Chapter 120

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Y'all I'm NOT about Scott hurting Mitch so it's gonna be super MINOR. I hope you know that xD

I'm gonna place this somewhere BEFORE the kids, because I do not want that additional pain of Landon running in the room or some shit NUH UH 

Let's get to it


Mitch slammed the front door behind himself as he hurried into the living room. Scott was seconds behind him, opening the door that was just shut in his face. "That was really mature, Mitchell."

"Don't fucking talk to me."

Avi groaned loudly, sitting on the couch with Kirstie. "You're joking. Arguing again?"

Mitch turned to him quickly, his face angry. "Okay well, next time someone flirts with Kirstie in front of you and Kirstie condones it--"

"I didn't condone it!" Scott snapped. "I tried to get away from her in a polite way, and you freaked out."

"Oh, I freaked out? Of course I did, because it has to be Mitch's fault, doesn't it? Every fucking time."

Avi spoke up softly. "Mitch, I know you're allowed to curse now, but please watch your mouth in front of Kirstie."

Mitch glared at him, and then looked back to Scott. "You could've politely said no thank you, and we could've carried on with our day."

"I didn't realize you were gonna be so melodramatic about it. I did everything I could to get her away from me."

"No, you didn't. No you did not, Scott Grassi-Hoying. She asked you if you were busy tonight, and you--" 

"I told her yes! I told her I was very very busy with my husband, and--"

"You're lying! You bought her coffee!"

Scott turned to Avi then, the indirect referee of the situation since the Betas were upstairs. "I offered to buy her coffee because I felt bad. Honest."

Mitch pushed his shoulder a little. "Oh come on! Are you kidding me? That's such bullshit!"

"No it isn't, Mitch! I told her yes, I'm busy tonight because I'm taking my husband out on a date, and she told me she wished she could have a relationship like ours, and I told her I'm very lucky for what I have, but she took my hand and, and told me she could make me even more lucky, and--"

"And what did you say? Huh? Did you push her away? No! Hell no! You just stared at her, and let her grope you, and--"

"No I didn't! Why are you trying to twist me into the bad guy?!"

Avi stood up then, Kirstie's eyes wide beside him. "Hey, shut the fuck up. Both of you."

Scott looked down at the ground immediately. "I'm sorr--"

"I said shut up. I'm gonna ask you something, and Mitchell you're going to let him answer me, and if you interrupt him so help me God." Avi warned, before turning fully to Scott. "What happened after she grabbed your hand?"

Scott didn't look up from the ground. "I... I guess I was just kind of shocked at first, and I didn't say anything, so she decided that was consent and she let go of my hand to like... Feel up my chest, and when she got lower I took a step away from her, I promise I did. I didn't want her to touch me, I swear, I love Mitch with everything I--"

"I know, shut up." He turned to face Mitch then. "And when did you walk in?"

"Well he was just supposed to get our drinks, and I was at the table snooping through his phone because that's what I do in my spare time because he texts people these terrible jokes and I--" He stopped, waving a hand. "Not important. I looked up when he took too long, and saw her practically sliding her hand into his jeans while he just stared at her. So I got up and marched over there, pissed off wife that I am, and--"

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