Chapter 22

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OKAY I don't know if anyone remembers this from book one (seriously I forgot)

But this goes along with the whole 'Jamies punishment' request so.


This chapter isn't gonna be very uplifting. It's kind of upsetting, honestly.

Like I had to stop writing it for a few minutes because I got a little too into it and there were tears forming and ugh xD

In all seriousness though. I was pretty blunt about some stuff in here, and if that's not up your alley then please DON'T read it.

I won't be offended, swear xD

Like. Trigger warning, small blood warning, cursing, violence... Warning. Just... Warning.

Love you guys. Pass around some tissues maybe, idk. Best of luck.


When Mitch saw Alex again, of course he was excited. Of course he was.

Alex was, and hopefully still is, his best friend.

And very possibly the reason he's still alive.

But when Mitch saw that scar... Man. His happiness fled immediately.

There was so much connected to that single scar... Which is probably it's the only thing that Jamie's pack ever gave Alex that he still carries around on his body to this day.

And that's when Mitch was sent into a whirlwind of memories. Horrible, horrible memories.

It had just been a normal day, when this happened. Well... Not normal, per se. But.. As normal as it ever was, spending a day in Jamie's pack.

Mitch had only been in the pack for a few months, and was finally starting to get into the rhythm of things. He learned how to respond to certain things, how to behave.

Most importantly, he learned to stop waiting for someone to save him from the nightmare of a reality he's been living.

We're getting off track. Anyhow; normal day. It was just a normal day.

Chris left to go to work. Matt was making breakfast. Jamie was still asleep, after working a late shift the day before. And Mitch hadn't seen Tony yet at all.

Mitch was knelt on the ground, wiping up a spot of something from the kitchen floor. He'd been fairly relaxed, since Alex was the one who made the mess, as he was the one helping Matt in the kitchen.

But Matt was nice about it. He just gave Alex a pat on the back. "It's okay, big guy. Don't get upset. Just get back in here so we can finish this before the beasts wake up." He chuckled a little.

Mitch offered to clean the mess so that Alex could do just that.

A few minutes passed, until Tony finally appeared. As he walked by Mitch to sit at the table, he softly stepped on Mitch's back, just so Mitch would know he was in the room.

Mitch immediately stiffened up a little, looking up at Tony for a moment before returning back to work.

Jamie walked out immediately after, but stopped in the doorway to take in the sight of everyone. He saw Mitch on the ground, and tilted his head a little with a smirk. "Well I'll be damned."

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