Chapter 30

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Aw this is kinda cute, no?

It's a little short tho, so I figured I should just post it along with the one I did earlier ^-^


Mitch paced back and forth in his bedroom, chewing on his nails anxiously.

Finally, the door swung open, and Tony shoved Alex back into the room hard enough to knock Alex down to his knees.

Tony merely gave Mitch a wink, and then proceeded down the hall. "See you tomorrow, Alexis."

Alex let out a wavering breath, as he turned to close the door, before sitting down in front of it to ensure no one could walk in.

Alex closed his eyes, and sat in peace for a second, trying to keep his tears inside. "Hey, Mitch. How are you?"

Mitch fell down beside him, and immediately tucked himself under Alex's arm. "Fine. Are you okay? What did he do to you?"

Alex gave an attempt at a chuckle. "Nothing, babe. It's nothing."

Mitch tried to hug him, but Alex hissed and flinched away from him. Mitch looked up into his eyes again. "He..? He used the cane?"

Alex nodded once, and then leaned back to rest his head on the door. "Yeah. Made him mad, on accident."

"Of course it was an accident, Al... You couldn't have done anything wrong..." Mitch tried to assure him, as Alex had so often done for him.

Alex just shifted a little, trying to find a comfortable way to sit, though he wasn't succeeding so far. "And how about you, Minnie? Saw Chris walking toward you before I... Left."

Mitch just shrugged. "Didn't do anything besides what he always does. I didn't get punished at all."

Alex lowered his volume a little, not wanting to freak Mitch out at all or make him uncomfortable. "Did he use a condom, honey?"

Mitch nodded this time, clinging a little tighter to Alex's shirt. "Yeah... He did."

Alex frowned at him, and gave him a sympathetic kiss on the forehead. "I'm sorry he did that to you, Mitch... I'm so sorry that you're in this mess. Did anyone else bother you while I was gone?"

"Jamie came in for a little while... But he didn't really want anything. Made me try on some collars."

"At least he's giving you the option, right?"

"I mean... Yeah. But no. One of them was too tight, and the other was a shock collar. And... He kept trying to 'see if it worked'." Mitch quickly brought up a hand to rub at his neck, where the red marks were left from being shocked.

Alex exhaled loudly, and he tightened his arm around Mitch's shoulders. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop him."

Mitch just shrugged, though he was staring off at nothing, now. Lost in thought.

Alex glanced outside, and then made a move to stand up. "We should get to bed, Minnie. I need to heal up a little before tomorrow."

Mitch began to follow him, but instead of stopping at the mattress, he stood in front of the window and looked outside, where the sun was just beginning to set. "Allie?"

Alex glanced over quickly. "Yes, honey?"

"Can we sit on the roof again? The sun is setting."

"Mitchie, no. Don't you remember what happened last time?"

At those words, Mitch watched the vivid flashbacks pour into his mind. Seeing Jamie hold a cigarette on Alex's arm until Alex finally screamed out the truth...

Watching Jamie rush toward Mitch, then. Now that he knew what happened... Mitch trying to run away, but only succeeding in gaining himself the strappado punishment, in which his arms were tied to the ceiling, allowing his Alphas to have their way with him.

To be fair, Mitch almost wished he'd just been hung there to experience Jamie and Tony doing their worst. But instead he had to experience both of these, while also watching Alex undergo even more torture, mere feet away from him.

In fact, Mitch very vividly remembers watching Jamie light a cigarette, and then--

"Minnie? What's wrong? Don't get stuck up in your headspace again... I know how you can be."

Mitch glanced over, seeing Alex beside him now. "Please, Allie... Please take me to the roof."


Alex helped pull Mitch onto the roof, since the smaller boy lacked both the height and upper body strength that Alex had.

Mitch now sat beside Alex, facing the sunset as he grinned a little, feeling the sun's warmth on his face. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Minnie." Alex hummed.

Mitch glanced over to see Alex rubbing his back as if he could lessen the pain, though Alex's eyes were trained on the sunset.

Mitch frowned, and scooted a little closer to him. "Can I see?"

"No, honey. I don't want you to look at that."

"But it's hurting you."

"That changes nothing. Just... Mitch, please. Just watch the sunset, okay?" Alex begged tiredly.

Mitch leaned into his side again, and closed his eyes. "I love you, Allie. I really do. I'm so sorry for... All of this."

Alex turned his head, just to kiss Mitch's temple. "I know, honey. I love you too."

Mitch looked up at him, eyes watery. "If... If you hadn't ended up here... What would you have wanted your Alpha to be like?"

"Oh... I don't really..."

"You must've had some kind of fantasy Alpha when you were a kid. So..? Tell me about him. Or her."

Alex grinned a little, and took a second to seriously consider it. "Well... Let's see... He was gonna be like... As tall as me. Like.. The exact same height. And.. He'd be so, so nice to me. Always complimenting me, and telling me how much I mean to him... And in return, I'd do all the chores, and cook and clean, and... Everything. I'd do anything..."

Mitch sniffled a little, without meaning to, and nodded. "Go on... Kids?"

"I... I don't know. Two kids, probably." Alex grinned a little more. "And... My Alpha would have a huge family, to make up for how little I have left. So... Our kids could have Grandparents."

Mitch sniffled again, holding onto Alex's shirt for dear life. "Alex... That's..."

"What about you, Minnie? When you get out of here, I'm sure you're gonna find some crazy attractive Alpha, who... Who never fails to show you how important you are. Who always makes you feel beautiful."

Mitch looked out toward the sun. "Yeah. And he's gonna be big. Like... He's gonna look just like you, Allie. All big and muscly."

Alex tried to giggle a little. "And...? What color eyes?"

"Probably like... Green or blue. One of those beautiful colors, that you can't help but get lost in. And... He'll be kind of clumsy. Because that's just plain adorable."

Alex grinned at him. "What else? Kids?"

"Oh, of course. Lots of kids. I bet my Alpha would be great with kids. Because he's all dorky, and just like them, and all that."

"And your cat, of course. You've always wanted that cat."

"Yep. Definitely getting a cat."

Alex stopped talking, as the sun fell into it's last stages of visibility. He grinned, tucking Mitch into his arm to give him one last kiss on the top of his head. "There it is... Mom's favorite part."




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