Chapter 74

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Okay this is based off of something I learned today.


Also in the middle of this chapter will be a time jump, for the purpose of comparing two events that are separated by a few years. Fair enough?? (Not stated directly but I'll try to be obvious about it)


Before Scott had Marked Mitch, he found a few qualities in Mitch's behavior that were specifically unique.

He felt the same way about Alex sometimes. They just acted... So different from what Scott was used to.

He'd become accustomed to all the egotistical Alphas he'd come across, with the exceptions of people like Avi, Travis, Andrew and Kayleigh.

Kevin had tried to explain it to him once, but it went over his head. Alex however, seemed interested in it.

One day Alex pulled Kevin aside before looking at the ground. "S-Sir? Can I ask... Can I talk to you about something?"

Kevin glanced around where they were standing to be sure they were alone. "Of course you can."

"Say... I have a friend, who... Lost both of his parents before he turned 18. Do you think... As an adult, he'd be easy to manipulate? Easy to control?"

"I'd have to assume this person is either a Beta or an Omega... So I'd say yes. Probably. He'd have such deep rooted abandonment issues, that he'd become a self sacrificial person."

Alex looked up slowly. "And what..? What does that mean?"

"It means he would become a 'yes man' and would do anything you asked of him, just so he could be sure no one else would abandon him."

Alex frowned a little. "Oh... Is that a bad thing?"

"Well... Not necessarily. If it gets severe, and he loses all sense of self, then yes. But if it's simply his coping mechanism, then no."

Alex nodded again, and began to walk past him. "Okay thanks."

He didn't even glance at Scott and Mitch as he ran down the hall to find Travis. There was something he needed to get off his chest.

Kevin didn't think much of it, and proceeded to Avi's bedroom. "Hey, Alpha? I was just wondering if you wanted to join me to go get the mail?"

Meanwhile, Mitch was seated on Scott's lap as they watched a romantic comedy of Mitch's choice.

Mitch giggled at a few parts, leaning into Scott's hold on him. "This is so cute!"

"Is it?"

Mitch giggled again and nodded. "It is! I wanna be that in love some day."

Scott ran his hand up Mitch's spine. "You will. Do you want kids?"

"Mhmm. Very much. Do you?"

He only shrugged. "Maybe."

Mitch reached past Scott's leg to grab the remote and pause the movie. "Alpha, may I please go grab a blanket? Please?"

"Sure you can. You can grab the one off our bed if you want."

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