Chapter XX

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Even though I didn't write this in the first book, that's when I imagine this all went down xD


Like... Probably like RIGHT after he got Marked.


Mitch rushed into the bedroom, freshly showered and proud of it.

Scott grinned at him from where he was laying on the bed, waiting for the smaller boy. "Well... Look how cute you are."

"Thank you." Mitch giggled, laying down behind Scott after he'd put on some fresh boxers.

Scott reached over to turn the last light off, and then got comfortable in the bed.

Mitch poked his back a few times, and grinned when he turned around a little. "Hi. Cuddle me please, Alpha?"

Scott resituated himself, throwing his arm over Mitch's stomach. "Better?"

Mitch scooted back a little to press their bodies together, and then closed his eyes in content. "Yes, Sir. Thank you."

Scott just hummed, already falling asleep.

Mitch moved again, unintentionally rubbing his ass onto a part of Scott he hadn't meant to.

Scott didn't think much of it, since he was so tired. But Mitch kept doing it for some reason, so Scott grabbed Mitch's hips with one of his hands. "Chill out."

Mitch glanced behind him. "What?"

"Stop moving. Why are you so squirmy tonight?"

"I don't know." Mitch wiggled again, and finally he felt a reaction when Scott's boxers changed.

Mitch furrowed his eyebrows, until he figured it out. "Oh... Would you like to use me, Sir?"

"I'm sorry? What?"

Mitch moved away, and turned onto his other side to face Scott. He slid his hand along the front of Scott's boxers. "I can help you."

Scott flinched away and looked up to Mitch's face. "Really? You wanna..?"

"Sure. I don't mind." Mitch slowly tugged Scott's boxers down to rest mid thigh.

Scott reached out to grab his arm to stop him. "Woah, hang on. You're not a virgin, right?"

"No, Sir. But I'm Ranked above a six. So you'd need to use protection, please." Mitch then held his hands behind his back, and hovered above Scott's length. "Feel free, Alpha."

Scott understood instantly, placing his hand on the back of Mitch's head to thrust into his mouth.

Mitch gagged immediately, but made no effort to pull off of him and instead just shut his eyes tightly.

Scott didn't like that though, and he pushed Mitch away a little. "Wait why are we doing this? You don't seem like you actually wanna..."

"Sir, of course I do. But... Usually Alphas aren't very gentle about it. And... Frankly I'm kind of nervous."

"Oh... Oh. I wouldn't even think of hurting you, Mitchie. But... That kind of begs the question again. Do you really want to do this?"

Mitch stared into his eyes, and then nodded. "Yes, Sir... I... I wanna give you everything."

Scott smiled a little, and ran his hand down Mitch's jawline. "Oh, baby... That's so cute."

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