Chapter 4

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Decided to do both ;)

So this chapter will be the fluff part of it, and the next will be the smut.

Why am I writing so much smut idk

Context; Right after the TAATO4 Epilogue


After seeing the children off to School, Jake decided to take his two favorite people out to lunch.

Jake drove them to the restaurant, pulled out Alex's seat for him, and even offered to pay for both of them.

After ordering their main dishes, Travis finally confronted the elephant in the room. "So... Jake. Tell me, please. Is anything wrong? Or is this something kind of anniversary that I've forgotten?"

Jake just shrugged, looking down at the table. "No. I just... Want you both to know how much you mean to me."

Alex reached across the table to hold his hand, giving him a sympathetic smile. "Of course we know. You're such a wonderful Alpha."

Jake scoffed a little. "You have to say that because I'm your Alpha."

"That isn't true, Sir. I truly believe in what I said. I wouldn't ever lie to you."

Travis slid his arm around Alex's waist and leaned toward Jake a little. "Did something happen today that I missed? Did someone say something to you?"

Jake shook his head again, and looked down at the table. "No. I just... I'm excited to have kids with you guys. And... I'm excited to spend my life with you. And I want to be sure you know that."

Alex cleared his throat quietly. "U-um... Quick question about that. How exactly are we going to have children? Like... Are you gonna take turns getting me pregnant, or..?"

Jake met Travis' eyes, and then Travis turned to Alex. "I guess we'll find out when we get there, babe. I'm really not sure."

Jake spoke too. "And we can't do anything until you're all healed up. You still need about a week to recover from the surgery."

Alex nodded slowly, embracing the silence until he looked at his lap and decided to break it. "I-I, um... I have another question. While I'm recovering, are we not allowed to..? Do that thing?"

Jake met Travis' eyes again, but Alex spoke up before either Alpha could. "But I wouldn't want to deprive you two of that. You deserve to have a body with you. So.. I just want to tell you that it's okay with me if you explore a little until I'm healed."

Travis wanted to be sure he fully understood what was happening. "What are you saying?"

Alex looked back to the table with a small smile. "It's okay with me if you two want to have another Omega do the things that I can't, this week."

"You mean--"

Jake interupted on accident. "Alex, please. We would never do that to you. You mean so much to us, we'd be stupid not to be willing to wait for you to heal."

"B-But I know how Alphas can get sometimes. And I want you to know that I'll understand if you choose to do it."

Travis, being the one beside him, grabbed him by the back of the neck to pull him into a quick, but demanding kiss. "Don't be dumb, Lex. We'll survive a week without intimacy. It's not the end of the world."

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