Chapter 67

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Okay so technically I didn't finish the request from yesterday, and so many of y'all wanted more of that chapter so I'll just do a PART TWO.


Avi didn't say a thing about what he'd witnessed until they were all back in the car. He put the car in reverse to leave, but then changed his mind and turned the car back off. 

Scott looked over at him, Avi's hand still on the wheel. "Av? Everything okay?" 

Avi glanced at him, and then turned in his seat to look directly at Mitch. "I want you to know that what happened back there was not okay. And just because I understand why you did it, and I was honestly rooting for you, does not mean your actions are justified." 

Mitch frowned. "But, Sir--" 

"Mitchell, please. Just... I don't need to hear an argument, I saw the entire thing. Heard everything... Just. Please be quiet until we get home so I can think about this for a few minutes." 

Scott spoke up on his behalf. "Alpha, I really don't feel like--" 

Avi held up a hand to him, and then turned back in his seat to turn the car back on.

Scott frowned a little. "Please don't ignore me. I'm an Alpha too. And I'm half in charge of him."

"Scott, just let me think. You had to physically pull him from the situation, so you obviously didn't think it was a great idea either." 

"I didn't want him to get hurt. That doesn't mean I didn't appreciate what he did for me." 

"But this is different. For him to be acting out in a physically violent way? Again?" 

"So? Alex hit Travis in the face with a door once. What's your point?" 

"But it was in public. To an Alpha we don't know. What if he'd been a trained killer or something? Or an undercover Counsel Alpha?" 

"But he wasn't." 

"What if he was?" 

"Avi, he wasn't." 

Mitch spoke up then, softly. "I'd do it again." 

Alex reached over to grab his hand. "Minnie, don't." 

"No. No, I... Alpha Avi, maybe you don't realize it, but I'm gonna tell you, so. Listen up. If you think I'm gonna watch my Alpha lay his life down for me, time and time again... And then in return I'm going to do nothing? You're dead wrong." 

Scott turned around a little, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Avi do the same thing. 

"I've watched him injure every part of his body, mostly his stupid shoulder, while I've sat around and done nothing but act as a damsel in distress. But society is changing. And I'm not going to be voiceless anymore. I want Landon to grow up proud to be a male Omega, not afraid. I want him to aspire to be even half the mother Kirstie is, or as brave as Alex is, or... As confident as I can be." 

"Mitchell that has nothing to do with--" 

"Sir, I'm sorry, please let me finish. Please." 

Avi paused, but nodded. "Go ahead." 

Mitch subconsciously gave Alex's hand a squeeze. "I just.. I don't know. I didn't mean for this to turn into some big revelation. But... I don't want my son to be disappointed that he wasn't  born as strong as an Alpha, or as smart as a Beta. I don't want him to feel like being an Omega is a bad thing, or it's a sign of weakness. I want him to be proud, and excited to be who he is." 

"And you think the appropriate way to give him a role model, is to assault an Alpha in a grocery store?" 

Mitch took a deep breath, and then finally let himself speak without a filter. "Excuse me for saying so, but Alpha I really don't understand what you're arguing. Alex ran into a fight, and beat up a few of the Alphas, and... And everyone thought it was the best thing that ever happened. And I'm not saying it's not, I'm like.. Super proud of him too. But why is this different?" 

"Those are two very different circumstances." 

"No they aren't. Alex was trying to help you guys fight those other Alphas, and I was defending my husband." 

Avi turned to start the car again, wanting to get everyone home. "We'll talk about this later." 

"You're ending the conversation because I'm right." 

"Mitchell, drop it." 


When they arrived home, Avi immediately sent Kevin into the kitchen to work on dinner.

He'd decided on putting Mitch in isolation, only allowing Scott to bring him dinner to make sure he was okay, and then Mitch would stay there until Scott went to bed.

Mitch had obeyed silently, not wanting Scott to be disappointed in him.

And when it was dinnertime, Scott filled Mitch's plate more than normal to be sure he wouldn't get hungry if he was in there too long.

Scott knocked once on the door before opening it, seeing Mitch sitting on their bed with Scott's jacket on.

Mitch only glanced over at him, and then looked back. "I'm not hungry, Alpha. But thank you."

Scott hurried over, setting the plate beside Mitch's legs so he could hug his Omega. "Are you okay, baby?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I'll see you at bedtime."

Scott pulled away to look into his eyes with a concerned look. "Honey... I need you to promise me you'll finish that plate."

Mitch glanced down at the food and frowned. "Scottie I'm really not--"

"Promise me. Baby, you need to eat."

Mitch gave in, knowing Scott wouldn't leave him alone. "Yes, Sir. I promise."

Avi suddenly walked in. "Scott, come on. Kirstie needs to talk to you."

"Wait, just let me make sure he eats and--"

"He's in a punishment. Go."

Scott leaned down to kiss Mitch once. "I love you." He rushed out, before hurrying out of the room so Avi wouldn't be mad.

Avi closed the door behind him, looking up at Mitch from under his eyelashes, not fully tilting his head up.

"Sir, if you're here to lecture me... Please don't. I think I'm gonna cry."

Avi didn't say anything.


Avi walked toward him slowly, as if contemplating what he was going to say.

"Sir, you're scaring me."

Avi then surged forward, and hugged him. "Thank you."


"Thank you so much."

"For what?"

"Protecting him."


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