Chapter 3

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Context; 6 months into Mitch's pregnancy


Scott had been in the kitchen making Mitch something to eat, when he heard a loud whine come from the living room.

Immediately he dropped the food in his hands onto the counter, and rushed out to the living room. "What's wrong, Angel?"

Mitch was laying flat on his back, one hand on his protruding stomach as he watched the television. "My back hurts, Scottie. Real bad."

Scott frowned at him. "Sweetie... Kevin warned you about laying on your back. Let me help you." He reached out to help Mitch roll onto his side, so he was facing the television. Then he grabbed one of the couch pillows, lifted one of Mitch's legs, and placed the pillow between Mitch's knees.

Mitch let him do whatever he wanted, and then smiled when he was done. "Thank you, Alpha."

"You're welcome, Sweetheart. I'm almost done with your food. And then I'll come out here and rub your feet for you, okay?"

Mitch nodded a few times, and then he puckered his lips in Scott's direction to wait for Scott to lean down to kiss him. Scott immediately did so, of course, before he rushed back into the kitchen.

Avi suddenly walked in the front door, Kirstie behind him with Grace in her arms. Alex came in behind them about two seconds later, and though the other three went down the hall, Alex immediately went to Mitch.

He fell to his knees beside the couch, bringing a hand up to brush Mitch's hair out of his face. "Hi, Minnie. How are you feeling?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

Alex giggled. "I'm not the one with a human growing inside of me."

"But... Someday." Mitch placed his hand on his stomach again. "How are you recovering from the surgery, babe?"

Alex shrugged. "I get cramps sometimes... And sometimes it hurts, like... In my lower tummy."

Mitch nodded once. "Yeah. Me too."

Alex giggled again. "I can't even imagine. But I'm sure Alpha Scott's been taking great care of you."

Mitch grinned widely. "Of course he has."

Scott walked back into the room with a sandwich on a plate. "Oh, hi Alex. Are you hungry? I've got sandwich stuff all over the kitchen."

Alex shook his head, and stood from the floor. "No thank you. Is there anything I can do to help? Like, um... Oh, I could rub his feet! I've seen people in the movies do that."

Mitch grinned widely. "Yes, please."

Scott frowned, setting Mitch's food down on the table. "But... I was gonna do it."

Mitch looked at the food. "You can feed me instead."

Alex moved to sit underneath Mitch's feet, as he began to massage them, just as Scott dropped to sit on the ground by Mitch's head, as he grabbed the plate, and then held half of the sandwich up to Mitch's mouth.


Later in the day, Alex went back home to be with his Alphas. Todrick and Kevin had just come home from their date at the movies, as Kevin was now tending to Mitch to make sure he was okay.

Scott was sitting beside Mitch on their bed, while Kevin did a few visual tests to be sure Mitch was doing well.

Mitch suddenly set a hand on his stomach and cringed. "Kev, it's hurting again."

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