Chapter 135 (X)

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This is a draft I was never gonna post but I figure SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will wanna read it so here you go

This is just a continuation of the chapter when Mitch had a skirt (Chapter 130) idk so THERE'S your back round info


Avi had pulled Scott aside as they walked out of the restaurant, all heading out to go home and watch Kevin's favorite movie as a celebration. 

He quickly looked over at everyone walking away, before he looked up at Scott. "Are you okay, Kid? That couldn't have been easy."

"No, it's... I'm fine. I'm happy for them."

Avi nodded slowly. "I getcha. Just... Feel free to come to me, okay? If it's bugging you, I'd gladly talk you through it."

"Yeah... Thank you. I, uh... Can I ask a favor?" 

"Of course."

"I was kinda hoping... I just... I wanna spend some time with my boy, if that's okay. I know we should be celebrating with Kevin, and I know Grace is coming home with paperwork, and--"

"I can book you guys a hotel room or something if you want? You have your car, right?"

"Yeah... I do. Are you sure it's okay? I don't mean to be selfish, or melodramatic about what the kid is named, but--"

"No, it's fine. Kevin will absolutely understand. You'll text me in the morning when you're leaving the hotel. Okay? Have breakfast in the hotel, and then head back. Or if you wanna get lunch for him, that's fine too."

Scott nodded, before turning to call Mitch back over to him. 

Avi took a step forward to pat his shoulder. "Take it easy, okay? I understand where this is coming from. And you know that everyone else will understand too. "


After Scott and Mitch had gotten to their room, Mitch immediately ran forward to jump onto the bed. "Cool!"

Scott just chuckled at him. "I'm sorry this is so last minute, babe. I wish I could've grabbed you a change of clothes, or maybe those sunglasses you love..."

"It's fine. I love being spontaneous!" Mitch giggled again. 

Scott had only barely closed the door, when someone knocked. He jumped a little, and turned to open it. 

A room service man was standing outside the door with a cart full of food. "Hello! I was told to bring this here after you'd arrived."

Scott immediately moved out of the way and held the door open. "Oh! That's... Thank you."

"Of course! I'll just open this bottle of wine and then get out of your way."

Mitch got up and walked over, pulling his skirt down a little as he scanned all the food on the tray. "Wow."

Scott dug through all of the pockets in his suit, finding ten dollars to give to the man. "Thank you for this."

"Oh, it's already paid for, Sir--"

"Please. Keep it."


Mitch was laying on the bed, as he caught a grape in his mouth that Scott tossed at him from where Scott was standing in front of the bed. 

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