Chapter 6

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Okay, I know this one is jumping back A LONG TIME, but idk. I thought it was really interesting.

Context; Just like it says in the picture, y'all :*


Mitch watched his mother drive away, as he carried his bag and suitcase up to the front steps of his brand new home.

He knocked once, and bowed his head as to not disrespect the Alpha that opened the door.

It was silent for a few moments, Mitch's heart rate accelerating a little in anticipation. Finally the door opened, and a tall Alpha stood before him. "Are you Mitchell Grassi?"

"Yes, Sir."

The Alpha turned his head to shout to the side. "Alexis, come here!" And then he turned back to Mitch. "I'll get him to take your bags. You'll be sharing a room with another Omega, will that... Be a problem?"

"No, Sir. Thank you for letting me stay here."

"Sure." The Alpha quickly reached a hand out to gently push Mitch inside the house. "Come in, little guy. You're probably freezing."

Mitch finally looked up, sensing the kindness in his tone. "Thank you, Sir."

"I'm Matt, by the way."

"It's nice to meet you Alpha. Thank you again for bringing me into your pack."

"Not my pack, but you're welcome. That would be Jamie, who owns the pack. He'll be home from work in a few hours, as well as Chris. Tony is here though. He's Alex's main Alpha."

Mitch nodded, trying desperately to follow all the names and sudden information being thrown at him. "Alex, Sir?"

"He's the other Omega. Like three times your size though."

Alex finally came running out of the hallway, a decent sized bruise taking up a spot on his shoulder, as well as rings of bruises around his wrists. "Yes, Sir? I'm so sorry for making you wait. I was with Alpha Anthony."

"Not a problem. Would you please take Mitchell's bags into his room? He's sharing with you. I think I mentioned the new addition to you before..?"

"Yes, Sir. You did." Alex gave Mitch a smile. "Welcome, Mitchell."

Mitch looked to Matt, deciding that he seemed nice enough. "Excuse me, Sir? May I ask that I be called 'Mitch' instead?"

"Sure. I'll call you whatever, but when Jamie gets here he's gonna change your name anyway."

"Ch-Change it?"

Alex grabbed both of Mitch's baggage items, and grinned at him. "Come with me, please."

Mitch hurried to follow Alex down the hall, which branched off in three different directions. Alex turned right though, and stopped in front of what seemed to be the only room on that side of the hall.

Alex pushed open the door with his foot, and walked in. "Would you please close that door behind you?"

Mitch nodded once, and shut the door. When he turned back, Alex grabbed him in a hug instantly. Mitch tried to push him a little. "Woah, take it easy."

Alex didn't let go, and took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry."

"Sorry? For what?" They'd hardly spoken three sentences between them. How could he have already done something wrong?

"I just wish you'd have found a different pack."

"Alex, please." Mitch pushed him away, finally succeeding in doing so. "What are you talking about?"

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