Chapter 68

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For the record, Jeremy  WAS mentioned. But not as a human xD Bonus points if you can remember what he was haha

But here he is as a human lol


Scott grinned widely before squatting down to look at Landon's project a little closer. "You made this all by yourself?" 

Landon blushed a little. "Yeah, kinda... I had some help from my classmates."

"Wow! That's really awesome, honey. I'm so proud of you!" 

Landon glanced down at the small mini golf course his group of students had to set up for the school carnival. "It's okay..."

Scott stood quickly. "It's much better than okay, Andy. It's seriously so cool. I wouldn't be able to do this." 

Landon grinned a little. "Really?" 

"Heck no. I'm not creative enough." Scott replied, placing a hand on Landon's back. "Where's Grace's project? Do you know?" 

"She didn't have to do one. She's in charge of the Ferris wheel or something." 

"Oh, that's neat."

Landon shrugged again. 

Scott's bright smile dimmed a little out of concern. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah... I'm just a little cold I guess." 

Scott was shuffling out of his jacket in a heartbeat. "Here, Sweetie. Take mine."

Landon didn't move at all as the jacket was placed over his slim shoulders. "O-Oh, thank you." 

"You're welcome. Is that warmer?" 

"Yes, Sir. Thank you." 

Mitch walked over then, sliding a hand along Scott's back as he fit like a puzzle piece into his side. "Hey, why are you guys over here? Kirstie just threw herself into a karaoke battle or something." 


According to Mitch, said karaoke battle was epic, though I was too busy discovering what the Hell a funnel cake is to see for myself. 

After Kirstie won the battle, she literally jumped off of the short stage and onto her Alpha. 

Luckily Avi caught her, and quickly set her onto her feet. "You can't just--!" 

Kirstie pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "Alpha, I won!" 

"I see that. Congratulations." 

"You're not excited for me?" 

"Of course I'm excited. I'm just not as surprised as you are. It is truly no shock to me that your gorgeous voice beat someone else's." 

"Aw. That's so sweet." 

"I can be pretty cute, I know." 

Kirstie giggled at him. "Can I go see Grace's project now?"

"I don't think she made one. But... Yeah, if you wanna go find her, sure." 

"You don't wanna come with me?" 

"I'll meet you there in a few minutes, okay? I just wanna go see Landon's project really quick, because I made a promise to a certain Strongest Alpha." 

Kirstie grinned at him. "Okay. Meet you at the Ferris wheel then."

Avi kissed her hand before he walked away, and Kirstie held that hand closer to her chest to protect it when she went the other way. 

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