Chapter 38

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The context would be right around Mitch's sixth month of pregnancy

And also; What are your thoughts on the performance at the CMA's????


They'd been working in the Counsel building when Scott first noticed Mitch's new behavior.

Scott finished running his third mile, as Avi had instructed, and then walked over to Avi, who was holding a stopwatch.

Avi glanced at him, unable to ignore his hard breathing. "You're a few minutes short of your P.R."

"Oh... I'm sorry. I'm kind of distracted today, I guess..."

"I'm not upset, Rookie. I was just letting you know."

Another Alpha jogged up to Avi, distracting him.

Scott watched as more Alphas filed in, and he politely told them how well they'd done. Travis jogged in, seventh overall.

He made Avi aware that he was done, before he turned and ran back out to the dirt track they'd all been running on. He ran over to where Jake was, and then finished out his mile with him.

Alex walked out of the building, heading straight for Avi. He waited patiently behind the large group of Alphas, knowing Avi was busy and not wanting to be an inconvenience.

Suddenly one of the Alphas spotted him, and spoke up. "Omega present!"

Alex jumped at his loud voice, and his eyes widened as everyone turned toward him.

Scott walked over with a grin. "Hey, Xander. What's up?"

Alex blushed and turned to leave. "It's nothing. I didn't mean to interrupt."

Scott rushed to get in front of him, stopping him without having to grab him. "Hey, come on. I know they're all intimidating, but you can tell me. Or I can get Travis or Jake?"

"I just need to speak with Alpha Avi, Sir."

Scott looked past Alex to see Avi speaking with a few Alphas, so he quickly got his attention. "Hey, Avi? Would you come here a sec?"

Avi hurried over, rush evident on his face. "What?"

Alex glanced over. "Um... Sir?"

"What?" He snapped again.

"Am I allowed to borrow Alpha Scott for a few minutes? Mitchie needs him..."

"Yeah, sure." Avi looked over at Scott. "Be back for the abdominal work outs, or I'll make you do them by yourself in front of the entire group. Got it?"

Scott nodded once. "Yes, Sir."

As Scott and Alex hurried off toward the Counsel building, Scott tilted his head a little. "Wait, Mitch is hurt?"

"I didn't say--"

"No, I can smell it. What happened?" Scott subconsciously began to walk a little faster.

Alex just sped up a little rather than answering.

"Alex, what aren't you telling me?"

"Um... I can't think of anyth--"

"Alexander, he's six months pregnant! If something happened you have to tell me right now." Though his voice was louder, he still didn't sound angry. Just worried.

Alex shook his head quickly. "Sir, I truly don't know, I'm so sorry."

Scott began jogging, heading toward the kitchen where he knew Mitch would be.

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