Chapter 20

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Sorry for being late; Had tennis

So this will be like... Right after Mitch has the baby. (And I PROMISE I'll make that chapter sometime soon, promise)

I can't wait to write this tbh bc it's gonna be SO CUTE

This is also kinda long p.s. xD
-1700 words-


Alex was pacing back and forth in front of the row of chairs, in which the rest of the pack was sitting.

Kirstie squeezed Avi's hand a few times, her foot tapping anxiously.

She kept glancing over at Grace, who was sleeping peacefully in Kevin's arms.

Avi was completely stoic, not showing any nerves at all.

Finally Todrick stood up to stop Alex from walking, and pointed down at the ground. "Thirty push-ups. Right now. You need to chill."

Alex glanced back at Travis, who just raised an eyebrow at him.

Alex quickly dropped to the ground to do as he was asked.

Avi finally showed some emotion when Scott came walking out of the room, face red and smiling wider than Avi had seen in a while.

Avi jumped out of his seat, just as Alex scrambled up from the ground.

Scott didn't say anything for a second, before he grinned, meeting Kirstie's eyes. "So... Who wants to meet Landon Alexander Grassi-Hoying?"

Alex literally let out a sob, and covered his mouth with his hand as he fell against Jake. "A-A-Alexander?"

Scott nodded once, offering a hand out to Alex. "As per Mitch's request, yes. Landon Alexander."

Alex immediately grabbed his hand, but instead of following him like Scott thought he would, Alex grabbed him in a tight hug as he began to cry.

Kirstie tried to stop him, by tugging on Scott's shirt. "I wanna meet him!"

Scott nodded, moving away from Alex to turn around and lead them to Mitch's hospital room.

Scott peeked in the door, and then turned around to look at Avi. "One sec, okay?"

He then snuck into the room and grinned at Mitch. "Hey, Angel... Everyone's here to see you."

Mitch smiled tiredly, and patted the spot next to him. "Will you please hold me?"

"Of course I will, baby."

As Scott walked over, Mitch looked down at the baby in his own arms, and grinned again.

Scott spoke loud enough for Avi to hear him. "Okay, y'all can come in now."

Alex burst in the door first, already crying. "Minnie!"

Avi was in the room next, grinning at Landon. "Wow."

Kirstie rushed in too, gasping at Landon, and reaching down to touch him. "Oh, he's gorgeous! I'm so proud of you, Mitchie."

As the Betas walked in, followed by Alex's Alphas, Alex had already run over to Mitch, kissing his forehead a hundred times. "Are you okay? I bet you're tired. Does it hurt? Aren't you excited that it's over though?"

"Not as excited as you, obviously." Mitch mumbled.

Alex grinned at him, finally giving him some personal space. "I can't believe you named him..."

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