Chapter 31**

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OKAY so this is a REPOST; Apparently lots of y'all were getting weird updates???

One of them was in binary, and my personal favorite said 'Chapter 31' and the only thing on the entire page was the word 'TODRICK'

I found that hilarious by the way xD

Anyway. It's probably just Wattpad doing its thing, y'know.

But it's not like we found this app yesterday, so. Hope this one updates right for y'all:*


Ah yes. The rebellious teenage phase xD

Idk if this is weird-- But I just went back and read the first chapter of TAATO and it made me want to cry xD


Scott had gone out to the grocery store with the Betas. At first he was flattered when they asked, but later figured out they'd only asked to take advantage of his strong arms.

Not that he minded of course. At least he had something to do.

Thus, leaving Avi and Kirstie to pick the children up from School.

Grace was close to being allowed to drive, in which case she could pick Landon up and drop him off as well as herself. And Avi couldn't wait.

However Kirstie was terrified. All the things she'd seen of car accidents and car troubles... She couldn't imagine subjecting her baby to that.

When Landon was in the car, Avi turned to drive home. He glanced at Landon in his mirror. "Hey, Grassi-Hoying. How was School?"

Landon kept his eyes on his lap. "Fine, I guess... One of my teachers yelled at me though."

Kirstie turned in her seat quickly. "Yelled? Like... Yelled, yelled?"

"Mhmm... Told me I wasn't going to make a good Omega if I kept up my bad attitude."

Grace frowned at him. "Goodness... What did you do to anger her like that?"

"I don't even know. I think I zoned out or something. She must've called on me, and I didn't answer... So she got all upset."

Grace reached over to squeeze his hand once. "I'm sorry."

Landon pulled his hand away, eyes wide. "O-Oh... It's okay..."

Grace smiled politely, and then looked out the window.


Scott carried nearly eight full bags of groceries into the house, rushing into the kitchen to set them all down.

Todrick followed with about four, while Kevin closed the door behind all of them.

Scott let out a loud sigh when Todrick began putting things away. "Can I help with anything else?"

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