Chapter 54

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I mean... This is gonna be... Yikes.

Mkay so obviously this is gonna be a little gore-filled, and upsetting, and... All that.

If y'all want I'll post a fluffy one in a few?? Just so I don't leave y'all going to bed totally heartbroken.

I know I'M gonna need some fluff when I'm done, so xD

P.s. this is future Kelsey - After editing - Tissue count; 5 xD


Scott slowly sank down to his knees, breathing heavily as his eyes flickered from red to blue.

All he could do was stare at his hands as he did so, eyes out of focus until he could finally get himself calmed down, blue irises taking over his eyes. 

And when he did get his focus back, all he saw was blood. 

Someone was... Bleeding? 

Scott looked up, finally taking in his surroundings. Was someone hurt..?

Was Mitch hurt?

Scott suddenly heard a whimper, his head turning quickly to see Alex on the ground, half covered in grass where he lay. Scott hurried over to him. "Oh my God! Allie, are you--?!" 

Alex suddenly jumped up, holding his shaking hand out toward Scott. "P-Please no! Leave me alone, please, please don't hurt me!" 

Scott held his hands up in surrender. "Alex, I'm not here to hurt--" 

Alex saw his weakness, knowing that was his chance, and took off running in an arbitrary direction. 

Scott just shook his head a little, eyes wide in shock. "Alex, what the... What the Hell?" He asked quietly, knowing he was speaking to himself. 

He turned around, still curious where he was. Seemed like a parking lot, and... Apparently there was a field, that Alex was keen on staying in, and when he turned again he saw a playground. 

A playground.

Well certainly, if Mitch was here, that's where he'd be. Scott almost wanted to smile, but was too concerned about the blood on his hands. 

He slowly walked over, first seeing Kirstie laying face down on the ground near one of the slides. "Oh my--" Scott ran over to her, dropping down to the concrete without caution. 

Scott rushed to turn her over onto her back, but even when he could see her face she didn't move. Scott panicked, pressing his ear to her chest to listen for a heartbeat, but as soon as his cheek touched her skin, he remembered. 

He remembered that he'd been running toward Grace for some reason, with plans to do something awful. And Kirstie stepped in his way... 

Scott set her back down slowly, his breathing scattered again. 

Had he... Pushed her? Scott watched the memory go back through his head again. No, no... He'd shoved her hard enough to hit her head on the concrete... 

Scott's hands quickly came up to pull his hair. Why had he done that..? What... 


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