Chapter 131

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Holy garbage this is 2000 words

Alex's pregnancy related chapters in the one shot book vvv (if u need back round;))

*Chapter 41
*Chapter 42
*Chapter 87
*Chapter 118


Mitch wasn't even awake, but all of a sudden he was in Scott's arms and being rushed outside.

Mitch grabbed onto his biceps when he was awake enough. "Scott, what the--?"

But Scott wasn't talking to him. "When did it start?"

Avi responded, Mitch would recognize that voice anywhere. "Not ten minutes ago. Travis just called me. Said he's asking for Mitchell."

Mitch grabbed Scott's shirt as well. "Who..?"

Scott sat down in the back seat, still cradling Mitch in his arms. Mitch wondered why, until he saw Todrick in the front seat.

Kevin got into the car as well, sitting beside Scott, as Kirstie followed him into the next seat.

Kirstie was on the phone though. "I know, honey. Just wait for Landon to wake up and then you can come down if you want to. You do not have to."

Mitch leaned into Scott a little more, closing his eyes. "Scottie..."

Kirstie spoke again. "I'm sure you do, baby. But labor can take hours. He's not going to be mad at you for missing out. Remember who we're talking about here."

Avi was driving somewhat recklessly, being that he was in a hurry, and it was almost four in the morning.

He came to a stop abruptly, and Scott grabbed onto Mitch tightly. Mitch groaned, trying to push his arms off. "Scott, please..."

Scott heard him that time, and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "Good morning, baby."

Mitch opened his eyes. "What's goin' on?"

Scott grinned at him widely. "Alex is in labor, Sweetheart. He's... He's gonna have a baby."

Mitch's eyes widened a little, and he clutched Scott's shirt even tighter. "Oh my God. He's gonna be a mother, oh my God."

Scott chuckled a little, and leaned down to kiss his nose. "Yeah he is. Just like you, Angel."

I'll give you some background just in case you're curious.

Don't you yell at me for breaking a wall I was just being informative. Don't shoot the messenger.

She comes bearing good news. Alex is pregnant did y'all hear omg (I'm drunk maybe)

Jake stirred a little that night, not knowing why until he saw Alex crying in front of him.

Alex always asked to be on the side of the bed rather than the middle, so he wouldn't bother anybody if he had morning sickness.

This meant that Travis was behind Jake, blissfully asleep as far as Jake could tell from his quiet snores (yes he snores don't tell him that I know).

Jake put a hand on Alex's shoulder to turn him onto his back. "Are you crying, honey? What's wrong?"

Alex just shook his head. "Tummy-ache."

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