Chapter 13

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Landon began having nightmares around his first few years of higher level School.

Learning about all the punishments, and the history of Alphas and Omegas can be very hard to understand as a very shielded 10 year old.

Scott always did his best to protect him from the dangers of the world, whereas Avi always pleaded the fifth when Landon would ask him about said dangers.

Mitch and Alex always tried to convince Landon that he'd never have to worry about those kinds of things, while the Betas simply answered his questions in words he didn't quite understand.

It wasn't until Landon was wandering into the kitchen to find his friend, that he eavesdropped on Grace and Kirstie talking about something.

Landon stood just outside the doorway, where he knew the others wouldn't see him.

Kirstie was speaking softly as she made Grace a late night snack. "It's hard to explain, baby. You're such a curious person. You must get that from me."

"But.. Mommy? How can Mitchie trust Scottie if Mitchie has all those bruises on his tummy?"

"Scottie didn't put those bruises there, honey. Uncle Scottie would never, ever, ever hurt Mitchie. I can promise you that."

"But it was another Alpha?"

"I don't know if we should be talking about this, Gracie."

"Please? I don't get it. I want to understand."

"Maybe you should talk to Alex, baby. He could explain it a little better."

Grace looked horrified at the thought. "Alex was punished too?"

"Yes, honey."

"But... Papa always says he's such a good Omega."

Kirstie frowned, reaching out to brush Grace's hair to the side of her face. "Even the best Omegas can be punished by terrible Alphas, honey."

"I'm not gonna be a terrible Alpha, Mommy. I promise."

"Good. I know you won't, honey. You'll be the best Alpha ever."

With punishments on the forefront of his mind, Landon rushed into his room, to grab his homework out of his backpack.

He couldn't help but study all of the things he'd learned about, trying to imagine how he could avoid getting any of them.

Landon shook his head slowly. If Mama and Allie weren't good enough to escape a punishment, there's no way Landon would be good enough.

His head snapped up when he heard Avi making his rounds to check on all the members of the pack, and he quickly put his homework away and jumped into bed.

Avi opened the door to turn off the light, taking a few more steps forward to make sure Landon was in bed. "Sweet dreams, small Grassi-Hoying."

Landon let out a loud sigh after Avi left the room, and then slowly gave himself time to fall asleep.


Scott's eyes snapped open immediately when he smelled the fear. He shook Mitch's shoulder urgently. "Mitchie, Angel? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Mitch wasn't nearly awake enough to process all of those questions. "Hmph?"

Scott turned him to lay on his back, eyes wide. "Mitch?!"

"Shh, good Lord. I'm awake, what could you possibly want right now?"

"Are you okay? You smell afraid."

"No I do not. Your senses are--"

Scott gasped loudly and jumped up, eyes flashing red as he darted across the room. "Oh my God."

Mitch rolled his eyes, put a pillow over his head, and went back to sleep.

Scott pushed through his own door, before rushed across the room, passing the Betas' room, to shove himself into Landon's bedroom.

Landon was mumbling something in his sleep, before jolting as if he'd been electrocuted, and then crying out. Then he'd calm down, and repeat the cycle.

Scott only watched him for a few seconds, before he rushed over to wake him up. "Landon, honey... Please wake up. Please please wake up."

Landon shook his head slowly, back and forth, though he was still asleep. "No, no, no..." And then he shouted. "No! Mama, no!"

Scott's heart nearly broke, as he rushed to grab Landon's shoulders and force him awake. "Baby, wake up."

Landon jumped up, and abruptly burst into tears. "Is Mama okay, Dadda? Please tell me he's okay."

Scott hugged him tightly. "Your Mama is just fine, my sweet baby. Are you okay? Did you have another nightmare?"

"Mhmm... About punishments."

Scott shook his head slowly, and pulled away just enough to kiss Landon's forehead. "Do you wanna come sleep in Mama and Dadda's room?"

"Yes please. Can I please?"

Scott nodded, standing from the bed to pick Landon up and hold the boy on his hip.

Scott held him tightly as he walked back over to his own room. "I'm sorry you had another nightmare, baby."

"Dad? Can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can, honey."

"Did you ever... Hurt Mama? Like... Without Mama needing a punishment?"

"Absolutely not. I would never, ever, hurt your mother. Or you for that matter, Sweetpea."

"Even though you're a super strong Alpha?"

"Yes. The whole thing about power and responsibility." Scott pushed the door open, setting Landon back on his feet.

Landon stared up at him with big blue eyes. "But you wouldn't hurt Mama? Never?"


Mitch moved the pillow from his head. "Oh no... Did you have another nightmare, baby?"

Landon turned, nodded, and then hurried to scurry onto the bed beside Mitch. "Yes... But Dadda was there to save me."

"That doesn't surprise me."

Scott climbed onto the bed, putting his arm over Landon as well as Mitch. "I love you both so much."

Landon smiled, scooting a little closer to him. "I love you more, Dadda."

"Not possible." Scott held out his arms as far apart as they would go. "I love you this much!"

Landon giggled, throwing his arms up as well, though in doing so, he elbowed Mitch in the face. "Well I love you--"

Mitch yelped in shock, jumping away from Landon.

Scott sat up a little. "Mitchie? Baby, what's wrong?"

Mitch held a hand up to his nose. "The child hit me in the nose."

Scott reached out to pull Landon closer to himself. "I'll keep him for a bit. Are you okay though, Mitchie?"

Mitch nodded once, smiling when he felt Scott lean over to kiss Mitch's nose.

Mitch peeked his eyes open. "I'm fine, Scottie. Thank you."

Landon was already beginning to fall asleep in Scott's arms, though he loved listening to his parents talk like this.

Scott just smiled. "I love you, Mitchie."

"I love you more."

Landon interjected loudly. "I love you most!"


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