Chapter 61

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This is cuteeeeeee. Hope y'all are eating tons and tons, and hopefully it's enough to pass out because THAT right there is true happiness. 

Love you guys :)

I figured this would be best done before they all had babies. 


Scott drove all of them out into the desert, having been invited to Andrew's firework show again. Kevin and Todrick had made them a ton of snacks, which they'd loaded up in the back of the car. 

He was holding Mitch's thigh as he drove, glancing at the two behind him, and the two behind them. "I'm so excited that you guys wanted to come with us."

Todrick smiled. "Thank you for inviting us. Should be interesting." 

Kevin leaned forward a little, looking slightly intimidated. "Uh.. Will there be drinking?" 

"I don't think so."

Mitch nodded once. "There wasn't any last time, I don't think."

Andrew saw Scott the instant he drove in, waving him over to park beside his truck.

Andrew ran over to Scott's side of the car, opening his door for him with a wide grin. "Dude! It's been for-fucking-ever!"

Scott got out of his seat to hug Andrew, reminding him. "Omegas are here."

"Oh shi-- Shoot. Sorry." Andrew leaned past him to see Mitch. "Hey, little guy. I hope you remember me."

Avi got out of the car then, holding a hand out for Andrew. "Nice to see you again."

Kayleigh ran over then, rushing to grab Mitch in a hug. "You're back! I missed you guys!"

"Oh!" Mitch hugged her back. "I missed you too."

"Where's your Alpha, Mitch?"

"With Andrew, I think."

Kayleigh grinned and then rushed over to him.


Later in the evening, as the sun was starting to set, Avi and Scott were playing some game with the rest of the Alphas, Kirstie and Mitch sitting on top of the car to watch them.

Kevin and Todrick were inside the car searching for the food they'd brought so they could feed the Omegas.

Mitch was swinging his legs, drinking a water bottle Scott had given to him while he watched. He suddenly pointed at one of the Alphas he didn't know the name of. "What about him? He's kinda cute."

"Kinda. But his lack of facial hair is unsettling."

"Is it? I always thought baby face was cute."

"I mean... It kinda is. But not as cute as the beard currently on my Alpha."

Mitch giggled. "Yeah that's true."

Andrew suddenly jumped onto Scott's back to knock the ball out of his hands. "Just drop it, you gigantic--"

Avi took it from Scott, and then he was gone.

Scott just glared up at Andrew. "See? I dropped it. Now get the Hell off me."

"Say please."


Andrew jumped off of him to land on his feet with a grin. "I really did miss you, Scott. And your cute little Omega too."

Scott grinned right back. "Yeah.. My Mitchie is the cutest."

Mitch heard his own name and raised a hand, hoping he could speak loud enough. "Alpha, are you talking about me?"

Scott didn't even look over. "I just said you were cute, babe."

Mitch then threw his fist in the air. "Oh cool. Continue, then."

Scott continued, purposely setting out to embarrass him. "Well for one thing, his cooking is unimaginable. It's so so good. He's absolutely gorgeous, and he's an absolute goddess in bed. I mean like... He's surreal, with those big, beautiful, brown eyes and his fucking gorgeous lips and--"

Mitch covered his face with his hands to hide a blush. "I get it!"

Scott just smirked, and winked at Andrew. "I'll tell you later."

Andrew nodded slowly, grinning back at him. "You two are so perfect together."

Scott glanced back at Mitch. "I know."


Kirstie suddenly ran over to where Mitch and Scott were sitting on the car, a large grin on her face. "Guys! They're doing karaoke! My Alpha is singing, come listen!"

Scott instantly jumped down, not wanting to miss an opportunity like that.

He held his arms out toward Mitch, catching him when he jumped down.

Mitch giggled at him, allowing himself to be swung around before he was set down on the ground.

Mitch then held his hand, as they ran over to see Avi and Kayleigh singing a duet of a song from a movie.

Scott instantly cheered loudly for him. "Kill it, Alpha!"

Mitch tucked himself into Scott's side, smiling widely at Avi.

It made a little more sense when Scott saw a beer in Avi's hand.

Kayleigh saw him, and waved Scott over, nodding when he pointed to Mitch as well.

She passed her microphone to him, and Andrew cheered loudly when Scott joined Avi in the song.

Mitch sang along too, but it was mostly for fun, he wasn't really trying.

Scott tried to shove the microphone in front of him multiple times, but Mitch was too shy to participate.

The rest of the Alphas had surrounded now, casually moving their bodies to the music.

Kirstie ran over to join in, standing beside Avi and singing an octave above him.

She grabbed Scott's hand and danced a little with him, Scott leaving Mitch with the microphone as he did so.

Avi carried out the song then, because Mitch refused to sing alone. But Kevin saw the panic on his face, and rushed over to save him.

Kevin put a hand on Mitch's back, leaning over a little to sing into his microphone with a smile, encouraging Mitch to join him.

Mitch did so, but quietly, a blush on his cheeks as the Alphas all watched him.

Scott and Kirstie did a few synchronized steps that anyone would've thought they'd been practicing, when in reality they obviously hadn't been.

Scott then leaned against the speaker, pressing his ear to it to try to pick out Mitch's voice. And when he heard it, he grinned widely.

Scott then skipped over to Mitch, throwing an arm over his shoulder again to belt out some lyrics.

When the song ended, Avi laughed loudly before tossing the microphone to someone else, and wandering off.

Kirstie grabbed his hand and smiled at him. "That was so much fun!"

Scott rushed over to her. "I didn't know you could dance like that, Kit."

"Me neither." She grinned, before looking at Mitch. "And then there's you, Mr. Perfect. Can sing literally anything."

Mitch just shrugged. "I don't know..."

Avi took another swig of beer and grinned. "We should form a band."

Kirstie giggled. "And they'll call us 'Those Five Idiots.'"

Kevin hummed. "Or just the pack name. 'Pentatonix'. That's pretty clever all in itself."


TAATO-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora