Chapter 84

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So part 73728 (I think it's part 4) of this. I'm thinking Mitch is gonna bitch slap him ;)


Scott sat in the back seat with Landon while Avi drove them home.

Scott had been staring at him for a while, but finally spoke up. "I'm sorry you had to go through that Landon... It was unfair, and wrong, and... I hope you don't think it's your fault at all... I'm glad I got you that phone though, so you could call me."

Landon leaned into him a little, closing his eyes. "I feel weird."

"Weird how? You said he didn't touch you at all right?"

"I mean, yeah... Not in the way you're thinking, but he kind of did..."

Scott turned a little. "Landon, why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to get in the car so we could go home, that's all."

"But that's important, honey. What did he do? Tell me now."

"He just... Hit me a little, that's all."

"That's all? Why are you downplaying it as if you're defending him?" Scott asked accusingly.

"Because I know how you get! I know Mom thinks it's a turn on or whatever, but I don't like when your Alpha gets loose! Because I know someday you're going to get hurt!"

"Honey... I'm sorry."

Landon looked out the window. "I know it's necessary sometimes. Like to save someone's life or whatever. But... It wasn't necessary here. He barely got to six hits before you got there."

"I can't believe he hit you."

Avi looked up in the rear view mirror. "I can't believe your face isn't more bruised."

Landon looked over at him slowly. "Oh, um... He didn't hit my face."

Avi understood quickly. "Wow... Grace is going to lose her mind."

Scott huffed at him in disbelief. "Grace? Imagine how Mitch will react."


"He did what?!"

"Mitch please--"

"No, Hell no, I will not 'calm down'. You're telling me that you caught a grown ass man spanking my son?!"

"God, don't say it like that." Scott cringed a little, hating the picture Mitch had put in his head.

"Like what? Like the truth?!" Mitch crossed his arms over his chest. "So? Tell me what you did to him so I'll feel better."

"I... Well, I didn't actually do anything. I mean, I threatened to break his arms but didn't follow through. Avi took him to the Counsel Officials though, so. They've got him now."

"You didn't...? Why not?"

"I was too busy trying to get Landon's under--" Scott stopped himself. "Um. The principal took something from Landon and I was trying to get it back."

Mitch squinted a little, and took a step forward almost menacingly. "Scott Richard... Were you about to say underwear?"

Scott couldn't lie to his face, even if he thought it was for the best, so he closed his eyes. "Yes, Ma'am..."

Mitch lost it then, running into the kitchen to find Avi. "Hey, you! Why didn't you--?"

"Do not call me 'you'." Avi responded quickly. "What can I help you with?"

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