Chapter 24

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To make up for the pain of yesterday:*

Context; During Mitch's pregnancy - Grace is about eight months old


Mitch hadn't gotten a good sleep the night before, as he couldn't get comfortable for some reason.

Scott had done everything he could think of to help, but just ended up making himself tired as well by keeping himself up for hours.

After breakfast, the couple hung out on the couch, Mitch laying across Scott's lap as one of Mitch's favorite cartoons played on the screen.

Avi walked into the room and sat down on the coffee table in front of the couch, staring directly at Mitch. "Heard you had a rough night. Everything okay?"

Mitch just shrugged. "I'm just a little tired, that's all. Thank you though."

"How about you, Rooks?"

Scott's hand was resting on Mitch's stomach, the other under Mitch's head to make him comfortable. "I'm okay. Tired, as well."

"Want some coffee or something?"

"Actually... That'd be really nice. Thank you."

"You should make some, then." Avi stood, but then sat back down with a smile. "I'm just kidding. I'll make you one, kiddo."

"Thank you." Scott repeated, the fatigue evident in his voice.

Avi stood again, and reached forward to pat Scott's head a few times. "Hang in there, Rookie. This is nothing compared to how tired you'll be when the baby cries all night."

"Gee, thanks."

Kevin walked in the room right then, holding a paper in his hand. "Alpha, would you look at this really quick? I think I made a mistake."

Avi rolled his eyes as he turned to him. "You don't even know how to make a mistake. I'll look at the paper, if you make some coffee."

"Yes, Sir. Of course."

Mitch giggled suddenly, turning to hide his face in Scott's chest without turning his body very much.

Scott grinned down at him. "What's so funny, baby?"

"I feel like I'm gonna squish your legs underneath me. And then... I imagined it, and it made me laugh. You keep telling me I look good, and Kevin says it's a normal weight for a pregnant person, but I wanna know. Do I look pudgy?"

"Honestly, no. You haven't gained very much at all, aside from what's in your little tummy." Scott responded, patting Mitch's belly a few times.

Mitch giggled at the odd sensation. "Thank you. Kevin said I was doing a really good job, but I just... I feel pudgy."

Scott ducked his head down a little to kiss Mitch's forehead. "Pudgy, and still beautiful."

Mitch giggled again, looking up at Scott, only to see the underside of his chin, where his scruff was beginning to grow.

Mitch looked toward the front of the room, curious to what Scott was staring at.

Alex came running in the front door, his face somewhat terrified. Travis was right behind him, holding onto someone by the back of his neck.

Alex ran directly to Mitch, eyes wide. This caused Mitch to sit up, and Scott to stand.

Avi looked at Travis. "Uh... This person is vaguely familiar. Do I know you?"

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