Chapter 34

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More Scavi, hmm

Context; Thought this would be interesting to do after the babies are born.


Todrick and Kevin were sitting at the dining room table with Avi, working on official documents. Because of how much time Avi and Scott were devoting to their children, they hadn't had much time to go in to work.

Luckily, Kevin and Todrick didn't mind helping, as they were doing right now.

Scott rushed back from the bathroom to sit next to Avi. "Okay, I'm sorry. I'm here."

Avi glanced over. "Did you check on the Omegas?"

"Well... No. They're just in the living room, I figured if they needed anything they'd just ask."

"So you didn't check on them?" He clarified.

Scott exhaled loudly. "No, Sir."

Avi just shook his head and looked back down at the papers.

Scott began to stand up. "I'm sorry, do you want me to--?"

"You're already late, Scott. Have some respect for the Betas that are offering to help you."

He plopped back down in his seat, looking to Kevin immediately. "Oh, I'm so sorry, you guys."

Avi gained his attention once more. "Hey, Rooks? Would you make me some coffee?"

"Oh, of course." He rushed to stand, hurrying into the kitchen.

Todrick raised an eyebrow at Avi, but shook his head slowly. "You shouldn't talk to him like that."

Kevin agreed, and elaborated a little. "He's already very similar to an Omega in terms of mindset. By talking down to him like that, you're making it worse. If you ever want him to realize his full potential, you're going to have to allow him to succeed a few times in his life."

Avi blinked at him a few times. "Jesus.... That was intense."

"It's important that you understand the severity of what you're doing to him, psychologically."

Scott rushed back over, just as Wyatt crossed in front of him, and (just his luck) he spilled hot coffee all over the table.

Todrick was quick to grab all of the documents, luckily saving them all.

Scott's hands immediately went into his hair. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry, you guys."

Avi stood up slowly, to reveal a large coffee stain on his pants.

Scott almost passed out at how angry he looked. "Oh shit. Alpha, I'm so sorry. Do you want a towel, or like--"

"Just get the fuck out of my way."

Scott jumped out of the way, and Avi stormed down the hallway to change his pants.

Scott grabbed a few towels to clean the table as quick as he could. "God, what's wrong with me today? I'm so... Out of it."

Kevin grabbed a towel to help him. "It's okay, Alpha. Don't worry about it. Mistakes happen, right?"

"Avi's so mad at me..." He said quietly.

"I just think... He really doesn't want to be doing paperwork right now. So he's really easily irritated."

"I'll figure out a way to make it up to him." Scott decided.

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