Chapter 70

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Truthfully it's a little shorter than usual -- bc I ran out of ideas haha


At eight weeks pregnant, Mitch was being brought to the hospital for an ultrasound exam.

Scott was rushing out of the house so he wouldn't be late, Mitch also having woken up late.

Mitch ran into the kitchen with wet hair, hurrying over to Todrick to beg him for help. "Is there anyway you can put my hair up so it doesn't look so awful?"

"I could put it up in a bun if you want?"

"I'm not totally sure how you'd do that, but yes please." 

Scott jogged down the stairs, running into the living room to grab his keys. 

Avi was at the table signing a few documents, and he didn't look up as he spoke. "Did you grab your ID?" 

"My what?" 

"Your Alpha ID. The card, dumbass." 

Scott groaned loudly and ran back up the stairs. "Fuck." He came right back down less than a minute later, eyes wide as he tried to think. 

Avi spoke again. "Do you have Mitch's birth certificate?"


"And did you shave him?"

"Did I, what?"

"Shave his stomach? The doctor will be an Alpha, you know how it goes." 

Mitch rushed past him, grabbing the stack of papers off the table. "I did it. Let's go."


"Kirstie told me to do it." 

"Oh good." 

Mitch gave Scott a quick smack on the ass. "Hurry up, let's go." 

Scott grabbed everything he could, including his phone, keys, wallet, and ID card before rushing out the door. 

Mitch gave Avi a smile. "Wish me luck." 

Avi turned to him. "Lift your shirt a little, let me see." 

Mitch did so without asking for reason, and Avi reached out to touch his smooth skin before he nodded and let Mitch leave. 

Mitch rushed out the door and then hopped into the car, Scott placing a hand on Mitch's leg as they drove away. 

Scott subconsciously slid his hand to the inside of Mitch's thigh, and then left it there. 

Mitch glanced over at him. "Can I help you?" 

Scott didn't seem to hear him, his free hand at the top of the steering wheel. 

"Hello over there, big and beautiful. Are you listening to me?" 

Scott glanced over at him then with a nod. "Of course I am." 

"Is something wrong, Scottie? You seem a little out of it." 

"No, I'm... I'm alright. I'm just thinking about our baby, that's all." 

Mitch placed his hand on top of Scott's wrist. "Yeah... I've been thinking about that too."

"Just out of curiosity... Do you have a preference in Rank or gender or anything?"

"Not really. Any gender is fine with me. Rank... I'm kind of hoping for an Omega, but I'd be accepting of any of them. Actually, I think I'd really like an Alpha, so you could mentor them and stuff." 

Scott grinned a little. "That'd be so cute... An Omega, aww. He'd probably look just like you."

"He? So you want a boy?" 

"Not gonna lie, Mitchie... I'm just so excited to have a kid with you, I truly don't care. Female Alpha, male Beta, gender fluid Omega... I literally don't care." 

Mitch giggled. "I'm excited too, Scottie." 


Now that the nurse was rubbing some kind of cold gel on Mitch's stomach, Scott was squeezing his hand tightly. 

Mitch kept cringing at how cold at is, and Scott was always worried he was hurt, so then Mitch would have to keep reminding him that it was freezing cold. 

After the nurse switched out with a doctor, Scott stepped even closer to where Mitch was. 

The doctor grinned. "Hello!" He walked over to Mitch quickly. "Wow, it's been a while since I've seen a pregnant male Omega. Congratulations you two." 

Mitch returned the smile. "Thank you." 

"Just for curiosity's sake... What's your Rank?" He eyed Mitch up and down objectively. "I'm gonna say 7 or 8." 

"Yes, Sir. I'm an 8." 

"Ah, I see. Thank you." The doctor held a hand out to Scott. "So, hello. I'm Doctor Antonescu. I'm going to have to touch a few places on your Omega's stomach, and I might need to ask some intrusive questions, but I promise I do them in the nonsexual mindset. Do I have your permission?" 

"Of course. Be careful please." Scott shook his head a little. "I mean, you're a professional and I'm sure you know what you're doing. I just... It makes me feel better to say it." 

"I understand. I'll be as gentle as I can." He picked up the wand to warm it with his hand a little, before using the gel to slide it across Mitch's stomach. "Alright. So... If you'll both look up at the screen over there, I'll find your baby for you." 

Scott turned quickly, now holding Mitch's hand with both of his own. "Oh wow."

Doctor Antonescu continued to smile. "Your baby is looking perfectly healthy! You're doing a great job, Omega." 

Scott pointed toward the screen. "This is my baby?" 


Scott smiled a little, and then touched the small shape with his finger. "Hi, baby." 

Mitch watched him with a fond smile. 

Doctor Antonescu spoke again. "If you're really quiet, I can show you something cool."

Mitch was only able to be quiet for a few seconds before he talked again. "What are we listening for?" 

"Your baby's heartbeat." 


TAATO-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora