Chapter 82

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Ah yes. The story of Alex's yellow crayon.

Wasn't gonna tell you but I'm nice sooooo. Here you go.


Scott was downstairs in the dining room with Kirstie on a computer, as they both decided on baby shower presents for Alex.

Mitch casually came down the stairs to walk into the kitchen, not saying a word.

Kirstie pointed at the screen. "Maybe this one? I know he loves green."

Scott shrugged. "He'll love anything we get him."

"That's also true."

Mitch spoke then. "Guys, did Avi come back with the kids yet?"

Kirstie looked toward him. "Told me he had to go teach Grace how to pump her own gas, so. Shouldn't be long."

Mitch nodded and looked down at his cup of tea, letting the tea bag steep for a while. "What are you guys up to?"

Kirstie responded again. "Getting baby shower presents for Allie. Wanna help? You know him the best anyhow."

Mitch shrugged and began walking toward them.

Scott suddenly stood from his seat. "Wait, stop walking."

Mitch obeyed, raising an eyebrow. "Why?"

Scott checked him out for some reason. "Turn around."

"Scottie..." Mitch warned, though he obeyed again.

"Wow..." Scott mumbled. "Come here."

Mitch turned around and walked toward him. "Do I have a stain somewhere, or..?"

"Baby, are those pants new?"

Mitch looked down at his black jeans. "Oh. Yeah, kinda."

"They look wonderful on you... Your legs are stunning."

Mitch grinned, as Scott hugged Mitch's legs, pressing a kiss to each of them. "Thanks. That's sweet of you." 

Scott then held out his arms. "Wanna sit with me?" 

Mitch just shrugged, sitting down on his lap and sliding one arm around Scott's neck as Mitch faced Kirstie. "So what's going on exactly? We're shopping?" 

"For Allie, yes." Kirstie responded with a grin. 

Scott wasn't listening, as he stared at Mitch's thighs. "Damn..." He whispered. 

Mitch used his free hand to pull Scott's chin, forcing eye contact. "Will you stop? Concentrate on what's important." 


"Nuh uh. Alex's present."

Scott pouted and turned to Kirstie. "Kit... Mitchie's being mean to me."

Kirstie glanced over at them. "Mitch, he's trying to compliment you."

Mitch rolled his eyes, letting his hand slide down Scott's neck to pat his chest a few times. "You're such a big baby." 

"Maybe... But you protect me, don't you?" 

"Sure. If you ever need a small, angry Omega to sass someone that's mean to you, I'm your guy." 

Scott chuckled. "Ooh, maybe we can get Alex a puppy." 

Kirstie gasped and began typing something in to the computer. "What about a husky?!" 

Mitch stopped them. "Where are you gonna get that kind of money?" 

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