Chapter 111

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Okay so since this whole thing went down before the kids were born, that's where this chapter will take place.


"It's gonna be Mitch."

"No. It isn't."

"Yes it is. My Mitchie would come running back to me in a heartbeat."

"Unless he gets distracted by cute clothes or a pretty boy."

"No way. I'm his pretty boy. Just you wait, Avi. You're gonna eat your words."

"Okay fine, asshole. What do I get when I'm right?"

"You're not right."

"When you realize that you're incorrect, and one of the Betas comes through first, I want you to wear a dress for an entire day. Even if we go in public."

"Are you kidding me? After all the shit Alphas have done to me?"

"Yeah well. They didn't do it to the Strongest, did they?" He laughed all of a sudden. "Oh my God, I'll take you to the Counsel! That'd be so funny!"

"Okay first of all; Fuck you." Scott grumbled. "Second, I guess that means when I win, you're gonna come with me to the Counsel with a full face of make up on."

"You're on, Rookie."

Scott suddenly smacked his arm, standing up from the couch. "He's coming. I smell him. That's my boy!"

Avi stood up too. "Hell no, that's the smell of a Beta."

"You think I'd ever mistake my baby's smell? Hell to the no. You're just a sore loser."

"I didn't lose anything. And just for that, I'm adding heels to the dress."

"Then I'm adding fake eyelashes."

"How do you know what those are?"

"I'm married to Mitchell Grassi-Hoying."

Avi nodded once, and then rushed to the front door to see if he could cheat and peek at who it was.

Scott was quick to grab him. "Penalty! You stand right here, Mr."

"We never put rules on this."

"I just did."

Finally someone unlocked the door outside, and Mitch waltzed in the door. "Hi, Alphas. Where's Kit?"

Scott ignored his question, grabbing him around the waist to pick him up and swing him around. "Thank God! I love you so goddamn much, Mitchie!"

Mitch held onto his shoulders. "Holy sh-- I love you too, Scottie."

Scott then dropped him a little, catching him after he slid to the perfect height for Scott to be able to reach his lips.

Mitch had to tilt his head down to kiss him, which was an odd experience, but he quickly placed his hands on Scott's face.

Avi rolled his eyes at them, frowning at Kevin. "You couldn't have walked a little faster?"

Kevin gave him a small smile, confused but still polite as always. "I'm sorry...?"

"I need Todrick and Kirstie."


Mitch frowned at Scott, now sitting beside him at the table. "I think you look nice in a dress."

"I think my shoulders are too big."

"No, no. We'll just get you a strapless one."

"So it'll be like I'm wearing a towel. Great."

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