Chapter 27

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Don't read this without reading the previous chappy (Obviously, silly goose)

Okay anyway. BACK TO THE DRAMA


"I know... I know. It's okay."

Scott continued hugging her, finding extreme comfort in her hand running up and down his back.

Avi suddenly walked into the room without knocking, and glared at Scott. "What the Hell is wrong with you? Were you eavesdropping on us that entire time? You seriously don't trust me enough to know--?"

"Avi, shut up." Scott snapped, closing his eyes tightly as he held Kirstie. "Please, I can't-- I can't do it today. Argue with me when I don't feel like absolute shit."

Kirstie looked over to Avi then. "Please, Alpha. He's upset, and isn't thinking clearly. Just leave him be."

Avi tilted his head a little. "Are you..? Defending him?"

"Yes I am. He just spent the last ten minutes pouring his heart out to me, and--"

"Oh, so you're pitying him?"

"I didn't say that. But if you understood how he was feeling right now, you'd agree--"

"So I just need to listen to him complain to understand that--?"

Scott interrupted both of them. "Just shut the Hell up, Avi! Stop interrupting everyone! Go back upstairs, where you belong. You're gonna get sick."

"Like Hell I am. Alphas aren't supposed to catch colds."

Scott looked up, pulling himself away from Kirstie. "Seriously? So now, not only are my arms too big, my shoulders not attractive enough, and my stomach not flat, but I'm also not an Alpha. Not good enough, anyway. Thanks for that, Avi. Thanks for sharing."

"I didn't say any of those things, I just--"

"Yes you did! Upstairs, I heard you!"

"That was Mitchell! He was just saying that--"

"You're not making me feel better."

"I wasn't trying to!"

Kirstie let out an exasperated breath. "Alphas, please. It's late, and Alpha Scott is sick. Please don't argue right now."

Avi stared directly at Scott, and then turned to leave. "Fine. I'll tell Mitchell you said hello."


In the morning, Scott refused to get up at all. He even buried himself in all the blankets, so that no part of him was visible.

Kirstie shook the lump on the bed, that groaned in response. "Come on, Scottie. We just have to get up to get our meds from Kevin. That's it."

"Can you please get mine for me?" He asked, his tone almost pathetic sounding.

"Scott, honey... You're a sweetheart. And that's why you're letting yourself get so upset about all of this. Everything will go back to normal once you and I are healthy again."

"Maybe for you. Avi's still gonna put your happiness above anyone else's. But... You didn't hear the way he was talking about me, Kit... He--He sounded like he was bored with me, almost. He used to love my arms, would talk about them all the time. And now they're just... Not good enough."

Kirstie frowned, and then slid back under the covers, trying to find him underneath the blanket so she could talk to him face to face. When she found his sad blue eyes, she couldn't help but let the emotion pass into herself as well. "Aw... Stop looking so upset. I hate it."

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