Chapter 8

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Context; Based on this section of the epilogue chapter of TAATO4 -Both kids are in their first few years of school-

p.s. This one is a little long :* -1800 words-


Alex was sat on the couch in between Grace and Landon, all of them watching a cartoon together now that the kids had arrived back home from school.

Alex had only come over to see how their day was at school, but ended up getting roped into watching a show or two with them.

Mitch and Scott were taking advantage of the down time, as they hung out in the kitchen making cookies for the children.

Todrick was trying to help Avi fill out a few papers that the kids brought home from school, Kevin just watching them to be sure they didn't need any additional help.

Kirstie walked back into the living room with a cup of tea in her hands, and Alex immediately stood to offer his seat to her.

Kirstie giggled, and sat down. "Such a gentleman."

Alex looked directly at Grace and winked. "See? That's how you get Omegas to fall in love with you."

Grace giggled, and stood up, only to offer her seat to Alex. "Like this?"

Alex sat down with a smile. "And now I love you."

Grace laughed again, and sat down on his lap. "I love you too, Allie! Will you be my Omega?"

Kirstie reached over to set her hand on Grace's back. "Alex already has an Alpha, honey. More than one, actually."

"Darn." Grace turned to look at Alex, and pouted. "Of course you do. You're all pretty and nice and stuff."

Alex grinned at her. "Thank you, Gracie. That's a sweet thing to say."

"When did you get your Alpha? Or... Alphas?"

Alex hummed, looking down at his shirt for a second. "Let's see... I had a few Alphas after School, so like... Year One? And then I lost those guys around year three, and got another around the end of that same year. And... When I lost him, I got another that year as well. And... Here I am."

Grace blinked at him a few times. "So... You didn't find the perfect Alpha right away?"

"No. I had quite a few until things started to line up."

Grace frowned, and turned to Kirstie. "What about you, Mommy?"

Kirstie took a quick sip of her drink, before she smiled down at Gracie. "Actually... I only ever had two Alphas. I got the first in year one, right after School. And I met your Papa right after he and I broke up."

"So you found your perfect Alpha real fast?"

"I guess you could say that. It took him a long time to ask me out, but yeah. I knew he was the one for a long time."

Avi walked into the room, after he couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation. "Don't get their hopes up, Kit. An Alpha as great as I am only comes around every so often."

Alex giggled at him, but Grace frowned again.

She looked over at Avi. "But... Isn't Uncle Scottie a really great one too?"

"Yeah, well.... We just kind of got lucky, he and I. To find each other, I mean. And I'd have to argue that Travis is pretty decent as well. Some of us with more flaws than others."

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