Chapter 35.5

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Okayyyyyy so. Some of you HATED the last chapter but some of you LOVED it.

So... Here's part two, for those who want it. And those who don't, I'll have some JALEX for you tomorrow. :*


Scott grabbed Mitch's hips and threw him over his shoulder to carry to their car.

Mitch let out a grunt, as Scott's shoulder went into his stomach. But he knew better than to say anything.

Avi stood in front of him, shaking his head. "Let him walk. He's capable."

Scott slowly let Mitch down, tilting his head.

The second gunman reappeared, kneeling down beside his wounded partner.

Mitch saw him reach for the gun, and gasped loudly to get the Alphas' attention.

Scott quickly turned and hid Mitch behind him, eyes still glowing their Alpha color. He tilted his head the other way, as if challenging the other Alpha.

Avi tried to step in front of him. "Can't we just be rational about this? You've got the money, so just get out of here."

He took a step forward, gun aimed directly at Scott. "You hurt my partner. He's my best friend, you asshole!"

Scott growled at the term, but it was a mere rumble in his throat rather than an actual threat.

Avi shook his head quickly. "It was an accident. He doesn't know what he's doing."

The man changed positions then, aiming the gun at Avi instead. "Why didn't you stop him?"

Scott took that small window of opportunity, and rushed forward to take the Alpha to the ground.

As he dropped the gun, Scott raised a hand to punch him as hard as he could, thoroughly breaking his nose.

Avi jumped in front of Mitch when he heard the loud noise of a gunshot, but was relieved to see that Scott hadn't been hit by the bullet.

Scott grabbed the gun, and threw it as far as he could, before grabbing the Alphas shirt, lifting him, and then shoving him down onto the ground with a loud crack.

Avi grabbed Scott's upper arm to yank him away. "Christ, just stop!"

Scott snarled at him too, but didn't try to hurt him at all.

Avi pointed at their car again. "Let's go, Scott." He demanded.

Scott began to walk, but not before roughly pulling Mitch against his side.

When they arrived at the car, Avi opened the door for them, but Scott shoved Mitch against it instead, hard enough for Mitch's back to shut the door.

Mitch let out a yelp at the feeling, but Scott quickly gained on him to make out with him sloppily, gripping his hair as tight as he could.

Mitch tried to pull away. "Ow, Sco-- Ow! Scott, you're hurting me!"

Scott only smirked, and grabbed Mitch's neck tightly, before dropping his hand down to pinch Mitch's nose before kissing him again, knowing he wouldn't be able to breathe.

Mitch tried to shove him away, and when Scott finally relented, Mitch gasped for breath, holding his arms out to keep Scott back.

Scott grabbed his neck again, red eyes the color of blood now. "Do you trust me?"

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