Chapter 96

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So... y'all know where 'Tiny' came from. But I've got some explanations for 'Peanut' and 'Pup' (Pup was used super early on if you don't remember it das cool)

This will all be before Scott and Kirstie join the pack ^-^


Mitch blinked himself awake, after finding that a light was shining directly in his eyes. He could feel Alex's arm still over his waist, so he groaned and turned over to hide his face in Alex's chest. "Allie..." 

Alex wasn't awake at first, but hearing Mitch say his name a few more times woke him. "Hmm?" 

"You left the window open again."

Alex blinked himself awake, looking down at Mitch. "I'm sorry. Want me to close it?" 

"No... I'm good now... Don't get up."

Alex nodded quickly, pulling Mitch a little closer to himself, only to kiss his forehead. "Can I sleep?"


Unfortunately for him, Travis walked in the room then. "Al, we gotta go. What are you still doing in bed?" 

Alex groaned. "Shoot... I'm sorry." He rolled over to stand from the bed, but Mitch whined at him. 

Alex stood for a second, looking slightly disoriented. "Uh... Okay. Gotta get clothes?" 

Travis looked at him oddly. "Are you okay, Lexi? I can't believe you slept in; You never do that." 

"Mitchie had another nightmare last night, and I stayed up with him, and I... Slept in a little, I guess?" 

"Get dressed, okay? I'll get Avi to take care of him."


Alex now had sweatpants and a tank top on, as he hurried over to Mitch's bedside to kiss his shoulder, and then his temple, since Mitch was laying on his side. "I'll be back in a few hours, okay? I love you." 

Mitch turned over to look at him. "God, you always look so nice in tank tops. I'm so jealous. You're going to Training?" 

"Mhmm. Oh, and... Thank you." 

"This is like the fourth time you've gone this week. You don't usually go as often."

"No, but, uh... I asked Alpha Travis to take me every day before work, so... I'll be home on weekends." 

"Why so much?" 

"I enjoy working out, I'm not gonna lie to you. But... The main reason is just that I wanna get strong. I wanna be... Able to defend myself." 

Travis knocked on the door again. "Al, babe, we're late." 

"Shoot, I'm coming, I'm sorry." Alex rushed toward the door. "I love you, Minnie! See you in a bit!" 

"Love you too." Mitch turned again, this time to lay on his stomach. 

Avi probably should've said something when he walked in, but he didn't. Travis had woken him up to send him into Mitch's room, and he'd been up all night doing paperwork, so. Truthfully he wasn't awake enough to speak anyways. 

Avi simply hopped into the bed, landing on his stomach only to throw his other arm over Mitch. "Hey."

Mitch jumped, pushing Avi's arm away. "Oh gosh, sorry. You scared me."

Avi only grunted in response, already almost asleep. 

Mitch scooted over a little to give him more space, since he'd moved more to the center of the bed after Alex left. "Do you need more room?"

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