Chapter 11

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As described up there ^^^^

Also as a quick sidenote; if you ever think of a request feel free to go back to that authors note chapter to comment on that same spot. I check it pretty often, so ^-^

OR if you just wanna message me, that's cool too ^-^


Alex had fallen asleep by the time Travis came out of the shower.

He'd said he would take a bath with Jake after Travis was done, but Jake knew that wasn't gonna happen, and didn't have the heart to wake him up.

Jake watched Travis throw on some boxers and sweatpants, before he turned toward Jake and nodded toward the door.

Jake nodded right back, and then carefully got out of bed to take his turn in the shower.

Travis took his place on the bed, and pulled Alex into his embrace, Alex's head on his chest so Travis could rest his chin on the top of the boy's head.

Alex stirred a little, and peeked up at him. "Hmm?"

Travis kissed his forehead, and closed his eyes. "Shh, Lexi. Just go back to sleep, Princess."

Alex hummed again, and obeyed without much provocation.

Travis grinned to himself, feeling Alex's hand on his stomach.

Alex spoke again, very quietly. "You look nice."

"Because I'm half naked?"

"Because you're beautiful."

Travis quietly chuckled to himself. "You're such a sweetheart, Lex."

Alex grinned tiredly, before turning his head a little to kiss Travis' chest. "I love you so much, Alpha."

"You know I love you more, baby."

Alex didn't respond to that, and Travis assumed he slept for a few more minutes.

Jake finally walked out of the bathroom, putting on sweatpants and a tank top as quickly as he could so he could join the others on the bed.

Alex stayed coiled around Travis' left side, so Jake laid down on the other side of Travis to not get in their way.

Alex opened his eyes once more, checking to see why the bed had dipped a little. "Hi, Alpha." He mumbled.

Jake smiled, but leaned down to press a kiss to the tip of his nose, knowing Alex thought it was an adorable thing to do. "Hi, baby."

Alex giggled a little. "Missed you."

"I didn't mean to wake you, honey. Go back to sleep."

"Promise you'll wake me up if you guys need anything? I can cook dinner later if you want."

"We can talk about that later. We wouldn't do anything without you, Allie. I promise."

Alex smiled and his eyes closed again. "Goodie."

Travis ran his hand up and down Alex's bare back, stopping at the hem of his boxers each time.

Jake laid his head on the pillow to look over at Travis. "Can I ask you something, T?"

"Yeah. Of course." Travis responded softly.

"You know, um... All the stuff I said about you and Alex. I wasn't trying to be mean."

"I know."

"But I just... I was thinking about it in the shower, and... I feel kinda bad about it."

"Okay well... I forgive you. So stop feeling bad about it."

"When I said that he left you, I didn't mean to--"

"Jake, seriously. It's fine."

Jake frowned, looking down at Alex. "Okay, fine. I'll drop it. Sorry..."

Travis reached over with his free hand, sliding it underneath Jake's shirt to grab his hip. "Come here. Kiss me."

Jake only hesitated a moment, before he sat up and leaned down to kiss him once.

Travis' hand slid up his back as he stared into Jake's eyes, until Jake leaned down to kiss him once more.

Travis tried to keep him there, by tangling their lips, but Jake pulled away again.

Jake looked down at Alex. "Trav? It just... It seems wrong to do it while he's right there... We promised."

"We promised we wouldn't do something without him. But he's right here, so."

"Travis, come on."

"I'm being serious. We're not leaving him out. He can join in whenever he wants. Also, quick update; I can kiss you whenever I feel like it thank you very much."

Jake shook his head slowly. "Pervert."

"Asshole." Travis grabbed the front of his shirt to pull him back into a kiss, their teeth clacking together once before they found their rhythm again.


Alex took a bath, leaving his Alphas in their room. When he walked back into the room, a towel around his waist, he didn't see either Alpha in the room.

He didn't think to put clothes on as he walked out of the bedroom, but he was utterly shocked at the sight of both Alphas knelt in front of him, holding different things.

Alex's hands covered his mouth, but one hand slowly fell to rest above his heart to calm it down. "What..?"

Jake smiled, offering Alex the sugary drink he'd been holding. "For you."

Travis followed, handing Alex a large cookie, one of Alex's favorite things. "And for you, as well."

Alex held the objects in his hands and shrugged slowly. "I don't..?"

Jake stood up, and grinned. "Just to remind you that we love you."

"I love both of you as well. Very much. But you shouldn't have spent money on--"

Travis stood too. "Since when am I not allowed to buy things for the love of my life?"

Alex shrugged again. "I'm not trying to tell you what to do. But... There are more important things."

Jake scoffed. "More important than you? Unlikely."

Alex giggled a little. "Don't be silly."

Travis rolled his eyes a little, reaching out to slip his index finger into Alex's towel, resting on his hip. "This can be removed, if you feel you need to be reminded of how important you are."

Jake reached over to smack his hand away. "You can't threaten him with sex, Travis. That's irrational."

"Watch me."


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