Chapter 126

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We'll do this BEFORE the kids just in case of any rated R scomiche nasty they might come across xD


"Mitchell Grassi-Hoying if you don't stop tapping your foot I'm literally gonna--"

Kirstie grabbed Avi's hand to squeeze it, intending on interrupting his sentence without getting herself in trouble.

Kevin was the one to put his hand on Mitch's back. "It's gonna be okay, Munchie. He's almost out."

Mitch glanced over at him. "But how much longer? How long does it take to check someone's ankle? He just said it was hurting, he didn't say it needed to be amputated."

Kevin smiled a little at his overreaction. "Nothing is getting amputated, I promise. I overheard the doctor saying it was just a sprain, which isn't a big deal really. Especially for an Alpha of his magnitude."

"How long will it take to heal, ya think?"

"A few days. A week tops."

"That little? Then why did we need to bring him here?"

Avi answered for him. "Because sometimes he needs a professional to tell him to take it easy for a few days for himself to heal. He's amazingly strong in terms of healing injuries, but the problem is that he never takes a break."

Mitch nodded. "Yeah... I get that."

"Which also means that since you spend every single second of your life with him, you're in charge of making him stay put."

Mitch nodded slowly. "Yeah... I guess."


When the pack was allowed inside of the room, Mitch ran to Scott immediately.

Scott quickly gasped and looked at the nurse that was wrapping his ankle. "Look, look! There he is! Thas my baby." He slurred.

The doctor smiled at him, making eye contact with the nurse as she smiled too. "Congratulations, Scott. He's very cute."

Scott's smile was gone in an instant. "Hey, don't say that about my man."

Avi rolled his eyes, and then looked at the doctor. "So... Why exactly..?"

"When he came in, you told me his pain was at a four. But then when you guys cleared out of here, he changed his answer to an eight. So we put him on some pain killers, which I've gotten from the pharmacy for you, and this is what happened. Not exactly sure why, but.."

Kevin offered an explanation. "He does this all the time, with the stronger kinds of pain medications. Not really sure why either, but... It's normal."

"You must be the Beta. I'm sure you know all the criteria and terminology I'm about to spill then, don't you?"

"It's a sprain, isn't it?"


"Then yes. I do."

Scott held his arms out toward Mitch. "C'mere please?"

Mitch walked over, bending a little to hug him since he was sitting down. "Are you okay, honey?"

"No, I'm Scott." He paused, but smiled widely which gave him away. "I'm just kidding!"

Mitch took a deep breath, before leaning down to kiss Scott's forehead. "Whatever you say, Scottie."

Scott strained his neck to get as close to Mitch as he could, lips puckered as far as they would go. "Kiss me please."

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