Chapter 37

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Always down for some Jalex.

Context; A few weeks after Jake and Alex move in with Travis


Alex spent most of his time outside the house, to be at Mitch's place.

Jake didn't really mind, because he knew that spending time with Mitch was what made Alex happy.

Travis walked into the kitchen at some point to make himself some coffee. "Hey."

Jake glanced up from the kitchen counter. "Hey. I, uh... I'll have breakfast ready in a few minutes."

"Where's Lexi?"

"With Mitch. He left about ten minutes ago."

Travis nodded slowly, leaning across the counter with his coffee in hand. "I should've guessed."

Jake just shrugged. "I'm just glad their friendship stayed strong, even after what they went through."

"Well they helped each other survive. How wouldn't that carry on into their current lives?"

"The reminder." Jake replied quietly.


"Like... Say, every time Mitch looks at Alex, he thinks of Tony. That would enable their friendship."

"Yeah... I guess."

Jake looked up again, ceasing all movement. "You're making me anxious, sitting there watching me."

"I could help, instead?" Travis offered.

Jake just shrugged. "Well... I guess you and I should be working as a team in all this."

Travis set his coffee down, and then wandered into the kitchen. "Just tell me what I can do."

Travis then purposely teased him all morning. Every time he'd walk by, he'd push his hips against Jake's as if there wasn't enough room for him to walk normally.

Or when Jake would ask him to look at something, Travis would lean over his shoulder, touching his chest to Jake's back.

Jake worked hard to ignore it, but it was very difficult. "Trav, don't you think you should wait for Alex to get home before you start feelin' on me?"

"No. Who said he has to be home for me to hit on you? You're part of this relationship too, y'know."

"I understand..."

Travis could hear a hint of something in his voice, so he walked over to stand behind Jake, sliding his hands onto Jake's stomach. "What's up, huh? There's something you're not saying."

"I don't need to say it."

"I disagree. I'd like if you told me."

"I'd rather not, Sir."

"Don't call me that." Travis moved to stand by him, now able to look at him. "Is that what it is? You don't feel like you and I are on the same level?"

"No, I... I just think... It's not gonna work out between the three of us, if we both tried to be Lead Alphas. So... I think you should take it."

"What does that have to do with Alex being gone?"

"It feels weird to do something without him. It feels wrong."

Travis hopped up to sit on the counter, still holding his coffee. "J... I can't help but think you're not feeling like an equal here."

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