Chapter 129

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So this was a draft I was working on, and I figured I'd post it before I close this thing off haha.

I think I have one more Epilogue-y chapter but I'm working on it still so take this to PACIFY YOURSELF xD

Lots of fluff for Valentines. (Who else is lonely lol)

Ugh gotta love Disney

Kids should be about 9 or 10 (bc that's cute)


Scott had already won a game, having taken a purple stuffed animal to give to Mitch. Kirstie was the one who came with him, and she giggled. "You're such a teenage couple."

"Just gotta remind him how much I love him, y'know?"

Kirstie placed a hand on her heart. "Ugh, you guys are so cute."

Scott quickly pulled his phone out, handing the toy to Kirstie. "Would you hold this for a second?"

She nodded quickly, taking the cute stuffed bear. "Of course."

Scott then texted someone back. "Avi said he took the kids on a roller coaster of some kind, and the Betas are getting churros. Where do you wanna go, Kit?"

"Churros sound really good..." She admitted shyly. 

Scott chuckled at her. "I absolutely agree." He shoved the phone back in his pocket, and then started walking to where he knew the pastry shack to be. 

Being his paranoid but protective self, the instant he saw a few Alphas staring at Kirstie, he threw an arm over her shoulders to keep her tucked close into his side. 

Kirstie looked up at him and grinned. "Something wrong?"

"No, just... Being cautious. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be overbearing..." Scott's eyes continued shifting around, sure to weave Kirstie through the crowd in the best way he could. 

She just smiled, tucking the stuffed animal under her free arm, looping her other arm around Scott's back. "No, it's okay. Always grateful for your protective tendencies."

"I just.. I always feel like I'm being annoying. But... I'm just trying to keep everyone safe."

"No, I know. Don't apologize." Kirstie pointed at the churro stand. "There they are."

Scott walked them over quickly, and Kevin smiled when he saw them. Kevin immediately offered his churro to them. "Want one?" 

Scott took it, and handed it off to Kirstie. "Here."

She grinned and took a bite. "You don't want any?"

"No thank you." He looked to Kevin again. "You guys seen Mitch recently? Are they still taking the kids on the rides and stuff?"

Kevin nodded. "Avi said he'd meet us here in a few, so. Tod and I are just waiting."

Scott nodded quickly, holding a hand out for Todrick's bag. "Want me to carry that? It's probably getting heavy."

Todrick hesitated for a moment, not wanting to make Scott do anything he didn't want to, but then he decided he could use a break, and passed it over. "Thank you so much."

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