Chapter 112

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Kids are around 16 and 17 ^-^


"Okay, so... Your dad's not at home right now, but Kevin told me he'll send my dad instead."

Grace nodded, leaning her head back against the seat. "I feel bad."

"Don't. Car troubles happen to everyone."

"I know, but..." She shook her head. "Never mind. You don't understand the whole... Pride thing. It's more of an Alpha trait."

Landon nodded slowly. "Yeah... I'm sorry."

Grace glanced out of the car for a moment. "The School is like... Ten minutes from the house, right?"

"Yeah... But if my dad thinks we're in any kind of danger, he'll be here in six."

Grace giggled a little. "Yeah.. You're probably right."

And he was. Scott was parked beside them, knocking on the window within about five minutes. "Are you guys okay?"

Grace got out of the car to walk over to him and begin explaining to him that the car wouldn't start.

Landon watched them for a moment, and then hopped out of the car as well.

He stood beside them for a moment, watching Scott teach Grace how to pop the hood on his own car, before he walked over to her car to have her practice.

Landon took a few steps back to get out of the way, just standing to watch them quietly. He tilted his head a little when Scott pulled some jumper cables out of the back of his car.

He couldn't for the life of him understand what Scott was saying or talking about, and figured maybe it was a good thing that he'd never need to deal with it. The only thing good about not being allowed to drive.

Grace had to stand directly beside Scott to see where he was putting the cables, desperately trying to remember. "Okay, why right there?"

"No specific reason, actually." He then handed her the other two parts of the cable. "Okay, whatever you do, don't let these two touch each other. Okay?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Now we're gonna do the same thing to your car. We're almost done."

She walked over to her car, frowning. "I'm sorry you had to drive out here to do this."

"Don't worry about it. You have to learn at some point. Happens to everyone. Plus, I wasn't really doing anything important. Just hanging out with Mitch."

She looked up at him. "But you love hanging out with him. I'm sorry to pull you from that."

"As if I don't hang out with him enough. I was in need of some quality Grace time. Also..." He leaned a little closer to her. "I think he was kind of annoyed with me."


"I don't know. He just... Gets snippy when he needs some alone time. And I think that evolved from Avi putting him in Isolation when he got an attitude in the past."

Grace nodded slowly. "Oh... That makes sense."

"Mhmm. Now, let's clamp those bad boys on here. Need help?"


Scott was able to get Grace's car to start luckily, and she was proud of herself for helping.

As Scott was putting the jumper cables away, he glanced around. "Where'd Landon go?"

"Said he needed the bathroom."

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