Chapter 19

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Mkay. Context here is like... Landon and Grace are about 4 years old ^-^

P.S. This one is a little long (that's what SHE--) So prepare for that. -1600 words-


The Betas had gone out to dinner to celebrate their anniversary, and decided to stay out a little later than usual.

It was already dark outside before they'd returned home, so Avi was awake to be sure they'd make it safely.

Since he was up, Kirstie wanted to stay up with him.

Mitch ended up joining him, since Scott was preoccupied with playing games with the two children downstairs.

Mitch and Kirstie were sitting on Kirstie's side of the bed, quietly playing a card game while Avi went through and checked emails.

He'd only had to ask them to be quiet two times, but wasn't trying to be mean about it. He was just struggling to concentrate with their laughter ringing loudly.

When Avi finished, he closed the laptop and placed it on the bedside table. "Hey, Mitchell? Where's Scott?"

"Taking care of the children, Sir. Would you like me to get him for you?"

"No, that's fine. But I think it's time for Grace to go to bed."

Mitch nodded. "Landon too... We'll go get them together?"

Avi nodded and got out of bed. "I'll be right back, Kit."

Mitch led him out the door, slowly walking down the hall. He stopped, and grinned widely at the sight in the living room.

Some kind of children's movie was playing on the television, while Scott was asleep in the center of the couch. Both Landon and Grace were asleep as well, laying partially on top of him.

Scott had both arms around the two children, clinging to them protectively as they all slept.

Avi grinned too, and reached down to slowly pull Grace out of his arms. "Come on, guys. Time for bed."

Landon woke up, and merely clung to Scott a little tighter before falling asleep again.

Avi glanced back at Mitch. "See you guys in the morning." As he proceeded down the hall with his child.

Mitch took Landon from Scott's arms and walked upstairs to put him in his own room to sleep.

Once he'd come back, Scott had woken up to turn the television off, but then he fell back asleep in the same spot.

Mitch giggled at him, and poked his arm. "Scottie, baby. You have to get up. I can't even attempt to carry you."

Scott groaned. "Leave me."

"You're way too tall to sleep on the couch, babe. Also, I don't think I'll be able to fall asleep without you."

Scott peeked one eye open. "Really?"

"Really. I hate sleeping alone, Scottie."

Scott frowned, and forced himself to stand up. "Mhmm."

"Are you okay?"


"God, you're so cute with kids, Scottie. And to think you didn't want any."

Scott just glanced at him.

Mitch took his hand to lead him upstairs, only to watch him flop on their bed and fall asleep almost instantly.


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