Chapter 97

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Another one that's partially my idea but also partially someone's request that I LOST BC IM A MESS (P.S. The kids are in their teens ;))


Mitch hadn't shut up for a single second on their way to the Counsel. "Wait, so why are the Betas at home?" 

"To watch the kids, Mitchell." Avi responded. 

"And we needed to bring Alex and his Alphas because..?" 

"The Counsel requested them." 

"But why?" 

"For another experiment." 

"What experiment?" 

Kirstie turned around in her seat to face him. "According to Kevin, since the Omegas of our society have been gradually gaining power and rights and all that, they need to test us and Rank us just like they did with the Alphas and Betas." 

"I have a Rank, and so do you." 

"Yes, but not among other Omegas. Like, how your Alpha is at the top of the list. We don't have a list." 

"Will there be lots of other Omegas there testing too?" 

"No. We're first, just like last time. They need to see which methods of testing work the best to use on everyone else." 

Mitch groaned and leaned on Scott's arm. "Gross. I hate testing." 


Albert quickly walked them through the building. "So I hope none of you are afraid of the woods." 

Jake spoke up first. "Uh... Why's that?" 

"Because that's where we'll be testing today! It's a beautiful day, too, which is excellent."

Mitch held Scott's hand a little tighter. "May I ask why?" 

"Well it's just for this first test, that's all. I'm actually very excited to test you specifically in this one Mitch." 

Scott spoke before Mitch could. "Why do you say that?" 

"Because of his exceptional sense of smell. It's gonna be interesting to see how you perform today." 

Avi decided he'd had enough of how Albert was beating around the bush. "Why don't you just tell us what you'll be expecting of them?"

"Okay, sure! So it goes like this; There's a small place in the middle of the woods, which we've set up video feeds of all the surveillance cameras we have placed around to keep track of everyone. An Alpha will stand at a certain spot, and his Omega will have to find him, all by his or herself." 

"And the point of that, is..?" 

"Well showing an Omegas dependency on his or herself is important, now that the hierarchy is shifting for an Omegas' status. And it will also show us how strong their sense of smell is, which is an Omegas' most important sense, as well as showing us how easily one can track their Alpha in case of emergency." 

Alex cleared his throat a little, as they were all led outside to the spot Albert was talking about. "S-Sir? What if I have two Alphas..?" 

"Truthfully, I'd like to test you with each of them separately just to see, but.. I'll only make you do it once if you would rather." 

Mitch held up a hand as they walked along. "Okay, I have a question. This test doesn't really seem fair, because my sense of smell has nothing to do with how fast I can run. Alex probably won't sense his Alpha as quick as me, but he'll certainly run faster and get there first." 

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