Chapter 122

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Mkay let's just say this is Landon's second heat ^-^ Also I'm gonna cut out all the sexual parts so it's more PG-13 for all of y'all:)

ALSO Landon's first Heat was at age 14, so the second should be the same age (That chapter is 76 if yall are curious)


Scott held the door open for both Mitch and Landon as they left the restaurant.

Scott then rushed to catch up to them, grabbing Mitch's hand. "So.. Home now?"

"Yeah. Avi's still gone, so."

Scott nodded quickly, and then spoke softly to him. "Did you get enough to eat, honey?"

Mitch looked up at him, quickly pecking his lips as they walked. "Yes, plenty. Thank you, Scottie."

Scott blushed a little at his affection. "Thank you. I mean, you're welcome."

Mitch giggled a little. "You're so cute." He looked down at Landon. "Wanna watch T.V. when we get home, baby?"

Landon glanced over and nodded. "Yes, please."

In the car, Scott listened to Mitch and Landon talk about which movie they wanted to watch.

He slowly slid his hand over the console to place it on one of Mitch's knees. Scott then smiled to himself, and carried on listening.

Mitch's only response was to lean down and toward Scott, only to kiss the upper part of his arm.

It wasn't until Scott was nearly at their house, when he could tell something was wrong.

He immediately reached down to turn off the radio, before glancing at Mitch. "Your Heat was two months ago."

Mitch stared at the side of his head. "Yes..?"

"So it's not that." Scott decided. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. What's going on, Scottie?"

Scott shook his head a little, and his bright blue eyes began to darken, now a more navy shade of blue. "I don't know."

Landon spoke up then. "I don't feel good, Dad."

Mitch turned quickly, one of his arms finding Scott's hand to assure him everything was okay. "How so, baby? Tummy ache?"

Landon shook his head, and then his eyes widened when he remembered what Scott was talking about. "Heat?"

Mitch's eyes widened as he looked at Scott.

Scott didn't really react, though he sped up about 10 miles per hour.

Mitch began to reassure his son. "Lando, honey, it's gonna be okay. We'll get you home, and you'll be isolated, and then... I can try to help, okay?"


Scott scooped Landon up in his arms to carry him inside, Mitch rushing in front of him to open the doors for them.

When Landon was laying on his bed, Mitch shoved Scott away. "Go."

"Mitchie, please let me help."

"We talked about this."

"Just.. Just, I won't even go near him. Just tell me what to do, please."

Mitch truly couldn't be bothered with arguing with him, so he just shook his head. "Go grab two bottles of water, and a hand towel."

Scott was quickly out of the room, his desperate limbs reminding Mitch of a drunk gazelle of some kind.

Mitch put the image aside, as he began pulling Landon's shirt from his body to cool him down.

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