Chapter 75

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Y'all are loving baby Landon so I'm just gonna stick to him.

Landon is gonna be like... 6 years old.


Mitch could hear his mother shouting through the door. "Tell me that's my little kissy boy! Someone pinch me." 

She threw open the front door, only to grab Mitch in a hug. 

Mitch giggled, hugging her right back. "Hi, mom." 

She pulled away and then grabbed Scott in a hug as well. "Hello, Handsome! Been a while since I've seen you, and I'm pretty sure you've gotten taller." 

"I'm a growing boy, Mrs. Grassi." 

Nel laughed heartily, and pulled back to look at him, her eyes locking on his upper body. "Wow! Growing in more ways than one. Mitchie, why didn't you tell me he was muscular as--?" She froze, seeing Landon hiding behind Scott's leg. "Well hello." 

Landon made eye contact with her, and then panicked and hid his face behind Scott's thigh. 

Scott put a hand on his back. "Landon, baby... This is your grandmother, Nel." 

"G-Grandma?" Landon whispered.

Nel bent a little to be at his height, a kind smile on her face. "That's right, honey. Why don't you three come on in? It's kind of cold out there, I'd imagine."

Mitch shrugged as he stepped inside his old home. "It's not so bad." 

"Then why are you wearing your Alpha's jacket?"

"Because... It's comfy..." 

Mike rushed over then, a feminine looking apron on. "Oh my stars-- Is that my beautiful son?" 

Mitch practically ran over to him, hugging him tightly. "Hi, dad... I missed you." 

"I missed you even more." Mike squeezed him tightly once, and then backed up. "Where's that Alpha of yours?" 

Scott had picked Landon up to hold him against his hip. "Here." He bounced Landon once to get a better grip on his legs, and then he offered a hand to Mike. "Nice to see you again, Alpha." 

Mike laughed once, shaking his hand before pushing it away. "Don't give me some kind of superior title. World's Strongest Alpha? Are you kidding me? Congratulations, Alpha." 

"Oh.. Thank you for that, Mr. Grassi. Anything to make me worthy of your son's affection." 

Mike stared at him a second, and then laughed once, in a heartfelt kind of way. "Wow, you still have the charm, huh?" 

Landon suddenly looked at Mike, and he frowned. "H-Hi."

"Hello there! It's nice to meet you."

Scott gestured toward Mike. "This is your Grandpa, Andy. Introduce yourself."

Landon nodded, but hid his face in Scott's neck. "My name is Landon, Sir." 

Mike tried to offer something to gain Landon's friendship. "Hey... I'm making cookies right now. Do you want to help me? I'll let you eat some of them, if you want." 

Landon grinned widely, finally making direct eye contact with him. "Yes, please." He looked at the side of Scott's head. "May I? Pretty please?"

Scott placed Landon on his feet carefully. "Of course you can, baby. Be nice to Mr. Grassi, okay? Be respectful." 

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