Chapter 25

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Gonna change it JUST a little.



You should also know this was very impulsively written xD

Also p.s. sorry this is late, I forgot to edit.

Context; Landon is about 8 or 9 years old.


Scott had just been laying on his back, in his boxers when he felt Mitch crawl onto the bed.

Mitch merely laid down beside him, tucking himself into Scott's side as he rested a hand on Scott's stomach.

Scott glanced over at him. "Hi, baby. Did you have a nice shower?"

"I did."

Scott immediately recognized the short answer, Mitch's universal sign for being tired.

Scott leaned forward to kiss his forehead, and then rested his chin on the top of Mitch's head as he closed his eyes. "I love you, honey."

"I love you too." Mitch reached his hand up to scratch something on his arm, accidently grazing Scott's boxers a little. "Oop-- Sorry."

Scott just chuckled lightly. "No worries. Nothing you haven't touched before."

Mitch giggled, and then smirked as he slowly slid his hand down Scott's relatively flat stomach, lower and lower... "Is that an invitation?"

"It wasn't. But it is now."

"Oh yeah?" Mitch teased.

"Mhmm." He hummed in response, voice lowering in pitch slightly.

Mitch finally slid his hand into Scott's underwear, gripping him firmly. "Like this, Daddy?"

Scott couldn't help but let out a soft moan at his vocabulary, letting his head fall back onto his pillow as Mitch's hand began to move.

Mitch smirked at him, and leaned up to kiss Scott's neck in as many places as he could, creating a few hickeys just because he could.

Obviously Scott was the Alpha in this relationship, so all dominance came to him naturally. But ever since Scott started letting Mitch control part of the relationship... Things like this began to happen.

And Mitch absolutely loved it.

He loved watching Scott fall apart underneath him, for the short time it took for him to gain his dominance back and fuck Mitch into the mattress.

Scott suddenly sat up a little, and pulled Mitch's hand from his pants. "Babe, I wanna try something."

"I'm listening." Mitch responded, sliding his underwear down his hips slowly.

Scott's mouth dropped a little at the sight, and he lost his train of thought briefly.

Mitch continued sliding them down his thighs, a smirk on his face. "Go ahead, Daddy."

Scott looked back up to his eyes, reminding him of the current situation. "Just...." He shook his head once, and grabbed Mitch's hips to hoist him up a little, and sat him back down on top of Scott's chest.

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