Chapter 108

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This... Is excellent. I had this planned to be like chapter 110 but I got way too excited and just wrote it in like an hour omg xD

Update; This is Kelsey after editing -- This shit is both hilarious and sad


Mitch slowly walked into the living room, first seeing Todrick in the kitchen.

He gave a small wave, and Todrick waved back.

Mitch saw Alex next, sitting on the couch, so he rushed over to him to say hi.

Even better though, when he sat himself on Alex's lap, Scott sat down beside them.

Scott gave him a smile. "Hey." 

Alex grinned widely at Mitch. "Where'd you come from? Were you with Avi?"

"Just down the hall."

Alex nodded quickly. "Oh cool! You look nice today, by the way." 

Mitch looked down at himself to see what he was wearing, but blushed intensely. "Allie, don't say that."

"Why not? You look cute, I mean it."

Mitch only shook his head and looked away. 

Scott suddenly stood from the couch, when Kirstie walked out of the hallway.

Alex continued. "I wish you'd take a compliment, Mitchie. Toddy helped me see my own self worth and I think you deserve--" 

Mitch interrupted him, when Scott gave Kirstie a quick peck on the lips. "Woah, what the fuck is that?!"

"Mitchie, don't say that word! You're gonna get in trouble!" 

"What, are you kidding? I curse more than anyone in the house. Shouldn't be news to you."

"What are you talking about?"

Mitch stood up, when Scott kissed her again. "Okay I wanna know what the--"

Avi was walking down the stairs with Kevin, and Mitch turned quickly. Of course. If he'd wanted a logical explanation he should've gone straight to the Betas in the first place.

Alex stood though, to interrupt him. "Minnie, did you see Todrick at all today?" 

"He's in the kitchen." Mitch replied shortly, before rushing off to reach the bottom of the staircase to wait. 

Kevin shrugged as he spoke. "I wasn't thinking of going anywhere fancy... She's very into casual things, but... I was gonna take her to a concert of some country singer she really loves. Does that seem... Fun?"

"I'm sure she'd love that, Kev."

Kevin nodded quickly, and then turned to go to the kitchen. 

Avi smiled at Mitch. "Hey babe. What's up?"

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