Chapter 115 (X)

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Mkay and this is the smut half of it. Cheers xD


Jake walked out of the bathroom, and saw Travis sitting on the bed with his phone in his hands.

Jake grinned at him, walking over to his closet to grab some clothes. "Talking to Alex?"

"Nah, Scott had a question for me."

"Oh. Is he okay?"

"Yeah... He's worried about having another one of those panic things. Said he's worried about the meeting tomorrow."

"He's probably just scared because Mitch isn't with him."

"That's probably correct. I just told him to talk to Kevin, and get some sleep. But if he really needs me, he knows where to call."

"That's good of you. Did you tell him to call Mitch?"

Travis glanced up, and then looked back down. "Shoot. That's smart."

Jake grinned a little, slipping some pants on. "I know."

When he was about to put a shirt on as well, Travis stopped him. "Wait. Don't." He patted the bed. "Come here."

Jake walked over slowly. "...What?"

"Just come here. Lay with me?"

Jake stared at him. "Why? I mean, I know why, just. Why can't I put a shirt on?"

"Because we're going to bed. You wouldn't sleep with a shirt on."

"Yeah I would."

"Not tonight. Come here."

Jake exhaled loudly. "Fine." He climbed into the bed, quickly getting under the covers.

Travis followed him under the sheets, and held him tightly, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I love you."

Jake placed his hand on top of Travis' arm, which was now over Jake's chest. "I love you too."

Travis glanced down at Jake's bare torso, and he grinned, before leaning down to kiss the center of his chest. "You're so damn cute."


Travis looked up at him quickly. "I hope you're not taking whatever that Omega said to heart. She was just being rude."

"I'm not."

"I think you're beautiful, J. And you know Alex thinks you're absolutely gorgeous."

"I know."

Travis frowned, rolling over a little to set his chin on Jake's chest. "Hey, come on. Don't be short with me."

"I'm not. Just... I'm sorry. You and Alex are both so, so attractive. People stare at you guys all the time, and... It's hard not to feel like the odd man out."

"Jake, seriously? You're attractive too."

"Maybe, maybe not. My point is that you two are on a whole different level. You're both tan, and I'm not. You're both muscular, and I'm more... Slim. I'm not trying to be insecure-sounding, but I'm just... I'm not like you guys."

"I don't understand why that's important. So what if you're different? Scott and Mitch couldn't possibly be more different. But I'd argue they're both pretty damn attractive."

"That's not the same."

"Yes it is. You're so so gorgeous. When Alex and I got divorced, he chose you. He found you all on his own."

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