Chapter 12

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Avi and Scott were the ones to take Grace and Landon to their Assignment meeting.

Technically, Grace should've gotten her Assignment before Landon, but she wanted to wait for him so he wouldn't have to go alone.

Once they'd arrived at the Counsel, Grace spoke up in the back of the car. "Papa? I'm scared."

Avi met her eyes in the mirror, before he parked the car and turned in his seat to look at her 12 year old self. "Why's that, honey?"

"What if I'm not an Alpha?"

"Then you're not an Alpha. So what?"

Grace looked down at her lap. "I just wanna make you proud, Papa..."

"Gracie... Honey, I will not be any less proud of you for what Rank you get Assigned to. I'm more proud of Kirstie than anyone else in the world. And she's an Omega."

"But you love her... A lot."

"And I love you too, honey. That doesn't change anything."

Grace nodded slowly. "Okay... Thank you."

Scott got out of the car, before walking around to help Landon out of the car. "Ready to go, Andy?"

Landon nodded a few times, a bright smile on his face. "Mama told me to be excited for any of the Ranks. Because they all have bright sides to them."

"That's good, Angel. I hope you'll always be proud of who you are, just like your mother."

"I will! I promise!"

Scott held his hand as they crossed the parking lot to enter the building, Grace and Avi walking behind them.

Scott held the door open for all of them and allowed Grace to take Landon from him.

He then took a step into the room, and stood on the welcome mat. He scanned the room, allowing all of the memories to flood into his mind.

Avi smacked his arm. "Hey. More important things to do than walk down memory lane."

"But... This is the spot where--"

"I know, Rookie. But it's not about us today."

Scott frowned, looking down at Grace and Landon. "I wasn't trying to make it about me. I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Avi smacked his arm again. "Come on, Kid. Gotta get these little guys into an Assignment."


Avi and Scott waited outside the room, seated in very uncomfortable chairs.

Scott stood up and began pacing, wringing his hands together. "I wish Mitchie was here."

"He's with Alexander, Scott. And he's perfectly fine."

"No, no. I'm not worried about him. I just... Wish he could be here with me."

"I know, Rookie." Avi patted the seat beside him softly. "Come here, kiddo."

Scott bowed his head with a pout, and dragged his feet a little as he slowly sulked over to sit down.

Avi reached over, sliding his hand onto Scott's back before pulling Scott into his embrace, Scott's head on his shoulder. "Stop worrying over nothing. You're very good at that."

Scott whined audibly. "The only time you ever compliment me is after you insult me."

"That's called a left handed comp--"

"I know what it's called." He snapped, though he didn't sound angry.

Avi was quiet for a second, and he began running his hand up and down Scott's back. "You know... This is exactly how you acted when Mitchell was in the delivery room."

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