Chapter 103

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Uhh okay. So Landon and Grace are about 15 or 16 here. DRAMAAAAA


Kevin left Mitch in the kitchen with Scott. "You're sure you can keep him from burning stuff?"

Mitch giggled. "Yes, I'm sure I can manage." 

Scott frowned. "No one ever believes in me."

Todrick opened the front door. "Ready to go, babe?"

Kevin turned to follow him. "Call me if you need anything, Mitchie. Avi and Kit should be back in about an hour."

Mitch nodded, pointing at something on the stove. "Scottie, will you stir that for me?"

Scott rushed over to do so. "Of course. Are we almost done?"

"Yeah. Just, when that all blends and mixes, then you can stop stirring. Okay?"

Scott nodded, and Mitch finished prepping the vegetables and rice Kevin had made as a side dish. 

Scott then stepped away. "Do you want me to set the table, and... You go get Grace and Landon?"

Mitch nodded, turning to leave the kitchen. On his way out, Scott grabbed him around the waist to pull him against his body before kissing his neck. Mitch giggled. "Hey."

Scott held him a little tighter. "You can't just leave without kissing me."

"I was gonna be gone for like twenty seconds."

"So? That's plenty of time for me to miss you."

Mitch shook his head slowly with a chuckle. "It's so funny to me, how in love you are. I mean, obviously I love you with everything I have, and I can't imagine life without you, but... You're just something else."

"Am I?"

"Yeah. You're still, like... You still do gentlemanly things as if you're my boyfriend, or... Like we're engaged."

"Never too old to be a gentleman. Never been married too long for me to love you."

"You're gonna make me cry with this romantic mess. I'm going to get the kids now, let go."

Scott held him even tighter, lifting him off his feet for a moment, before setting him back down. "Okay. Go ahead."

Mitch giggled, turning around to kiss him once. "Set the table. Don't forget."

"Yeah, yeah."

"I love you."

Scott stared at him for a moment, and then clutched at his heart as if it had stopped, and pretended to faint. "My life is complete."

Mitch watched him lay on the ground, and then laughed loudly. "You're so dumb." He turned to leave him there, walking down the hall. 

When he reached the bedroom door, he paused before opening it, not wanting to interrupt them.

"It's the weirdest thing. Like... He's an adult, but not really. Does that make sense?"

Mitch squinted a little. That was definitely Landon's voice.

Grace spoke in response. "Yeah. It does. I mean he's an Omega, so. He gets that excuse at least."

"Yeah, but... It's not like I do that in the morning. Or Alex, or Kirstie. I don't even understand why it happens."

"I don't think it's his fault, necessarily."

"It's just weird, that's all I'm saying. Like. He's more of a child than I am. How am I supposed to respect him as my parent, if he's not more mature than I am? And how is that fair, for Dad to have to raise two kids by himself?"

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