Chapter 117

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Gotta love protective Scottie


Scott groaned loudly. "Avi, I don't wanna do this." 

"Suck it up, you big baby. I didn't ask to be here either."

"I didn't mean to--"

"I should be sitting with my wife at the beach, drinking some kind of fancy ass wine, thinking about my kid who's hopefully with some kind of nanny, I don't even know."

"Avi, I'm sorry to pull you away from Kirst--"

"But instead here I am; Avi the babysitter for your happy ass."

Mitch was the one to speak this time. "Alpha, he didn't ask for this either. Scottie and I could just as easily be doing the same thing, but work calls. You guys shouldn't be blaming each other."

Scott was the first to look down in shame. "You're right, I'm sorry. Avi, I'm sorry for blaming you."

Kevin turned in his seat to look at Mitch. "Wow, I'm proud of you for saying that."

Mitch grinned happily. "I'm trying to take on some of Scottie's peacemaker personality traits. Figure it's a safer way to go."

Kevin smiled back at him. "I think that's an excellent path to choose!"

Mitch looked up at Scott, who was still pouting. "I'm such a good person." He said sarcastically, but of course Scott agreed.

Scott smiled a little. "I know you are, Sweetheart."

Mitch then looked back up at Avi. "How long until we get there?"

"Almost an hour. Need to pee?"

"No. But, uh... I'm hungry..."

Kevin suddenly reached into a bag, pulling out a granola bar to hand to Mitch. "I have this, if you want it?"

Mitch took it gratefully. "Thank you so much."

Scott was quick to snatch it from him, reading the back of it. "Nuh uh." He read a few more things, and then nodded. "You can't eat this, baby."

Mitch pouted, groaning indignantly. "Why not?" He whined.

"Cross-contamination, babe." 

"What does that mean?"

Kevin spoke up quietly. "It means the factory that processes the granola also processes wheat, and thus the oats cross contaminate."

Mitch blinked once. "Oh. That makes sense." He looked up at Scott. "So I can't eat it?"

Scott frowned, hating how upset he sounded. He leaned down to kiss him once. "No. I'm sorry, honey."

Kevin started digging around his bag again. "I thought I had some fruit snacks or something in here..."

Avi waved a hand at him. "Fuck it, we'll just stop for food. Kev, would you do me a favor and dial up Kirstie? I told her to keep Todrick's phone with her."

Kevin nodded quickly. "Please don't curse like that around Mitch. I'll call her. Do I need to tell her something specific?"

"No, I just wanted to tell her something." He looked in the rear view mirror. "Hey, Mitchell? What are you hungry for, babes?"

Mitch looked at Scott, grabbing his hand out of excitement. "Literally anything. Thank you so much."

Kevin held the phone up in front of Avi, and Avi took it, pausing a moment before he spoke. "Oh, hey."

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