Chapter 104 (X)

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Okay hi. Couldn't help myself xD

So this is SMUT obviously, and it will be HALF Kavi and HALF Scomiche (too lazy to put all the accents on the letters I'm a fake fan lol)

The thing is its like... Joke-y smut. Like I think I wrote it when I was in a weird/drunk kind of mind xD

Like I wasn't gonna post it but now I am because it's such A MESS and I think it's so funny

So half straight + half homo = FULL SMUTTTTTT


Avi rushed into his bedroom, closing the door quickly. "Kit, it's time."

She was doing the laundry, but she stopped and looked up at him. "What..?"

"They're gone. We have at least three hours to ourselves."

"Alpha, why is your shirt off?"

"I have three hours to show you how much I love you, so stop asking questions and let me kiss you."

Kirstie giggled, continuing the laundry. "Alright. Come here and kiss me, then."

Avi hurried over, taking her by the shoulders to push against the wall, before he kissed her with as much force as he could. 

Kirstie first pushed back a little, but then allowed herself to fall into it, wrapping her arms around his neck. 

He then moved to kiss down her neck, Kirstie letting out a soft moan. She shook her head. "Good Lord, what got into you?"

"The kids are gone. Just let me do this." Avi continued kissing her, before he slid his hands underneath her shirt to lift it from her body. 

Kirstie giggled at how rushed he was being. "Well, okay. Whatever you say." When the shirt was thrown over to the bed, she frowned. "Can I finish the laundry before you do that?"

"Only if you hurry."

Kirstie walked back to the bed to hurry folding some towels. "I'll do my best."

Avi kissed her bare shoulder, and then leaned down to kiss a trail from her shoulder down her back, until he stopped at the clasp on her bra. "May I?"

Kirstie hesitated for a moment. "It feels weird, thinking Grace could walk in at any second."

"But she can't. She's not here. Tell me; Yes or no."

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