Chapter 109

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Let's say it's his 19th birthday just bc that's important xD


Landon first woke up to Scott jumping around his room as if he were a 5 year old, rather than an aging-well-40-year old.

Scott threw open the shades on the windows and then jumped onto Landon's bed to be nearly on top of him. "Happy birthday! Happy happy happy--"

Landon groaned, covered his ears. "It's so early."

Scott grabbed his arms and shook them. "But you're 19! You're finally a year as an Omega!"

Landon squinted at him, blue eyes dueling blue. "If it's my birthday, can't I sleep in? That's all I've ever wanted."

Scott's smile faded a little. "You don't wanna get up and eat breakfast and stuff..?"

"Not yet. Maybe... Around noon."

"That's not breakfast anymore. Please,  Andy? Mama's making breakfast and everyone's in the living room with presents and... Please?"

Landon frowned at him. "Why do you have to guilt me like that?"

"You can take a nap later. Please? Please, please, please?"

"Fine." Landon started to sit up, and Scott smiled widely.

Scott hugged him tightly, pulling away  only to kiss Landon's forehead and then his cheek. "I'm so excited! Hurry, please."

"Excited for what?"

"I have such an exciting present for you! Literally can't wait, so please hurry."


Landon finally walked into the living room, only to be swept off of his feet by Scott, who was still too excited for his own good. 

Scott swung him around a little, only to sit him at the middle seat on the couch. 

Kevin quickly set a plate down of all his favorite breakfast foods, and grinned. "Happy birthday, Landon. You've made it a whole year."

Landon rubbed one of his eyes. "Thank you."

Grace quickly sat beside him, smiling at him. "I'm proud of you for making it this far. Congratulations."

Landon yawned, trying to hide it behind his hand, while he also nodded. "Thank you."

Mitch finally had to push Scott away, because each time he got nervous he would just pick a spot on Mitch's face to kiss. After about the ninth time, Mitch pushed his chest a little. "Will you please chill out? It's way too early."

"I can't, Mitchie, I'm so excited!"

Mitch quickly looked to Landon. "Please eat fast."

Landon temporarily pushed his plate aside. "He can just give it to me now, if you don't wanna wait."

Mitch frowned. "No, it's--"

Scott was already out of his seat. "Okay!" He rushed over to reach behind the couch, grabbing a small blue box with a silver ribbon on top. 

Avi also yawned, from where he was sitting beside Landon. "That's cute."

Scott grinned widely. "I know." He passed it to Landon. "Here! It's from your mom and I." He turned and grabbed Mitch's hand to yank him up so they could both stand in front of him while he opened it. 

Quickly changing his mind, Scott pulled Mitch to sit beside him on the coffee table, so they were literally right in front of their son.

Landon quickly took the top off of the box, pulling out the dog tag he found. "A necklace? Oh, it's cute."

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