Chapter 79

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Mitch was sleeping on the couch briefly, as he'd fallen asleep with Kirstie beside him watching a romantic movie.

Scott and Avi were out with the children at a store, trying to give the mothers a break.

Mitch woke up when the Alphas returned home, and their energetic elementary school level children raced in after them. 

Grace gave Landon a light push. "Tag, you're it!"

Landon turned to her with a frown. "Don't p-push me, please." 

Grace only giggled. "C'mon, Lando. Tag me back!" 

Landon reached out to do so, but Grace jumped back, and Landon frowned at her. 

Landon took a few steps forward and tried again, but once more she jumped away from him. 

Landon full on pouted then, reminding Avi briefly of Scott. "I don't like this game." 

Grace grinned at him, and then waved him over. "You're supposed to chase me." 

"Oh... Okay." 

Avi watched them run down the hall, and he turned to Scott. "Well they're cute." 

"What do you expect? They're basically just mini Avi and Scott. And we are adorable." 

Mitch sat up then, rubbing his eyes a little. "Oh shoot, I'm sorry, Kit. I didn't mean to fall asleep." 

Kirstie pulled him back down by the shoulders, letting him lay back on her legs again. "Don't go! You're super warm." 

Mitch glared at her a little. "I'm not your blanket, Mrs. Kaplan."

"Yeah well. You could've fooled me." 

Scott walked over to them. "What are you guys watching?" 

Kirstie smiled up at him. "A British rom com." 

"Oh cool." He turned back to Avi. "Can I help you with anything else, or can I stay here?" 

"You can stay." Avi hummed, beginning to walk up the stairs to see what the Betas were doing. "I know how much you love romance." 

Scott only grinned, and then rushed over to sit on the couch beside Mitch, but Mitch made him get up so Mitch could move out of his way, allowing Scott to sit by Kirstie and Mitch on his lap. 

Scott pressed a kiss to the side of Mitch's neck, and then put all of his attention onto the movie. 

Mitch leaned against him, and nearly fell asleep again on Scott's shoulder, his nose tucked into Scott's neck, Scott's scent very comforting to him. 

Just before he could delve entirely into unconsciousness, he heard Landon come running back to the room in tears. 

Mitch was the first to jump up, rushing over to him just as Landon attached himself to Mitch's waist. "Mama, Gracie's being mean to me!" 

Mitch put his hands on Landon's back, unable to reach more than that due to Landon's short height. "Oh, honey... What happened?" 

Kirstie turned toward the hall. "Grace Kaplan, come here right now." 

Grace ran toward her with a big smile on her face, but the smile fell when she saw Landon. "Aw, what's wrong? Did you get hurt?" 

Kirstie waved her over again. "Grace, now." 

She walked over, but she looked scared now. "Mommy..?" 

"What did you do that made Landon so upset, honey?" 

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