Chapter 76

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So the first heat should usually happen like... 4 months after coming of age (for Landon it's like 14 years old)


Mitch and Kirstie were in the kitchen, preparing some food for when Landon and Grace got home. 

Avi and Scott were just watching a television show, as Todrick and Kevin were doing some housekeeping in the upstairs portion of the house. 

Avi suddenly leaned back in his seat. "Ugh, how stupid can he be?"

"He's just doing his best, Alpha." 

Avi shook his head. "Well he's made a lot of dumb decisions." 

"But he's had such a difficult life..." 

"That's no excuse." Avi faced him then. "I want you to remember this moment, and promise me you'll never behave in such a dumb way." 

"I promise, Sir." Scott hummed back, eyes still on the screen. He turned suddenly. "Woah... Do you..?" He jumped up, and hurried into the kitchen. "Mitchie?" 

Mitch looked up from where he was cutting up sandwiches. "Hmm?"

Scott took a few steps forward, squinting at him. "You're not..?" 

"Not what?" 

Scott looked at Kirstie then, eyeing her up and down. "And you're not..?" 

Mitch froze suddenly, having realized what Scott was onto. "Do you smell Heat? I think I smell it too... It's not us, I promise." 

Scott just stared at him. "Is it Alex, maybe..?" 

"I don't think so... I feel like I know what that smells like..." 

"Then what the--?"

The front door flew open then, Grace carrying Landon in her arms. "Alphas, please help me!"

Scott was by her side in an instant, taking Landon from her without thought. "Holy-- Mitch, it's him. He's on his Heat!" 

Mitch dropped what he was doing and rushed over. "Get him to his room. Hurry." 

Scott did so quickly, Landon trying to get away from him the entire time, until Scott gently placed him on his bed. 

Mitch was quick to unbutton Landon's shirt, knowing he was too hot in all of his clothing. "Scottie, get out of here." 

"But I want to help--" 

"You can't. And if you're in here too long, your instincts will take over. Do you really want that?" 

Scott frowned. "No. I.. I'll go. You're sure I can't do anything before I go?" 

"Yes, Scott, I'm sure. Get out."

Scott turned to leave. "Maybe some water bottles, or--?"

"Scott!" Mitch snapped, and Scott obeyed, hurrying out of the room. 

Scott then walked slowly into the living room, meeting Avi's worried eyes. "His first Heat."

Avi nodded slowly. "Wow... He's growing up quick, huh?" 

"Yeah... I guess." Scott walked a little closer to Grace. "You didn't... Do anything, did you?"

Grace was sitting at the dining room table now, her head in her hands. She didn't hear Scott, purely  because she didn't know he was talking to her. 

Scott moved a little closer. "Grace." He spoke cautiously. 

"Yes, Sir?" She responded without looking back at him. 

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