Chapter 138

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This is gonna be cute as Hell.

Landon is 7 years old ^-^


"Scott, you'd best slow down. Or I'm gonna lecture you until we both pass out."

"That's an odd threat. We're running a little late, that's all."

"Doesn't mean you should speed with our baby in the car."

Scott slowed the car down, his hand falling to the bottom of the steering wheel. "Okay. I'm sorry."

Mitch glanced back at Landon. "Are you excited, baby?"

Landon nodded quickly, a wide smile on his face. "I can't wait, Mama! Dadda told me all about the fireworks! Uncle Avi said it's real pretty."

Mitch grinned and looked to Scott. "Is Andrew gonna be there? And Kayleigh?"

"I believe so." Scott glanced back at Landon once, and then put his eyes back on the road. "I'm nervous."

"Nothing to be nervous about." Mitch responded quickly.

Scott pulled into the dirt lot that Mitch vaguely remembered.

Mitch reached over to squeeze Scott's hand once. "Nothing to be afraid of, honey."

Scott took a deep breath. "You're right... You're always right. Andrew is gonna love him, and... And Kayleigh always loved you, and..."

He pulled into the same parking spot he'd taken last time, directly beside Andrew's familiar grey truck.

Scott took another deep breath, and then got out of the car to open Landon's door and help him out.

Landon jumped up and down a few times, grinning up at Scott. "When do we see them?" He pointed out in front of the car, toward the open sky. "Will they be over there?"

"Yes, baby. Just as soon as the sun goes down."

Landon jumped up and down again. "I can't wait!"

Andrew got out of his car then, walking over calmly. "Is that Mr. Scott Grassi-Hoying?"

Scott stood up to his full height, smiling as soon as Andrew came around. "Hey."

Andrew stopped immediately when he saw Landon, Landon who was wrapping his arms around Scott's leg.

Mitch finally came around, having gone to grab something out of the back of the car. He slipped Scott's jacket over his shoulders, and then smiled at Andrew. "Hi again, Sir."

Andrew turned and smiled. "Hey, Mitch. Long time no see." He turned and gestured back to Landon. "And who's this little guy?"

Scott put his hand on Landon's back. "Our baby. Say hi, Pup."

Landon stuck his hand out toward Andrew, as if to give him a handshake. "Hi, Sir. My name's Landon."

Andrew knelt down to shake his hand, grinning at him. "Nice to meet you. I'm Andrew."

Landon giggled a little, his hand coming back to grab Scott's jeans. "Does he call you Andy too?"

Andrew's smile faded slightly. "Aw... He calls you Andy?"

Landon nodded quickly. "All the time!"

Andrew looked up at Scott. "All the time, huh?"

Scott didn't respond, because he didn't know how.

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