Chapter 88

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Thought I'd leave the kids out of this for safe keeping xD


Scott and Avi were up late one night doing more paperwork, the Betas working alongside them.

Kevin slid a paper to Todrick. "Would you please check the math on that and then give it to Avi to sign?"

Scott was scribbling out a secondary Alpha report for having confirmed what Avi had said on whatever paper -- Scott didn't even know, he just knew he agreed.

Avi signed a paper, flipped it and signed the back and then pushed it to Scott. "Just sign the secondary, Rookie."

Scott took it, signed it and then passed it to Todrick before returning to his report.

Todrick put it in an envelope, putting a stamp on it as he scanned Kevin's work with his eyes. "Looks good, babe."

Kevin took it, triple checked it, and then passed it to Avi. "Would you sign this too?"

Avi only hummed, scribbling his signature down.

Mitch suddenly came downstairs with a blanket around him. "Scottie?"

Scott's head snapped up quickly. "Yeah, baby?"

"Are you coming to bed?"

Scott glanced at Avi, who nodded, taking the papers from him and putting them in a pile.

Avi looked off to the Betas. "We'll continue later. Go to bed."

Scott stood from the table, and walked over to Mitch to hug him and help him walk up the stairs.

Avi watched the Betas follow them, as he silently make a pile of papers and pens, before taking the empty cups of coffee and tea into the the kitchen.

On his way out of the kitchen, walking past the table, he felt his guilt gnaw at him for a moment.

He sighed loudly. The papers needed to be done... Maybe he could just finish it himself?

Avi sat back down in his spot, and texted Scott.

Instead of responding, Scott hopped down the stairs with a grin on his face.

Scott looked at the papers he'd gotten out. "Did I forget to sign somewhere?"

"No, no. Just. Would it be okay if Kirstie stayed upstairs with you tonight so she isn't alone? I won't be done for a few hours."

"Hours?" Scott checked his phone quickly. "It's already almost one in the morning."

"The perks of being a Lead Alpha."

Scott frowned. "Maybe, uh.. I could have Kirstie go stay with Mitch, and I'll stay down here with you to get it done."

"You don't have to do that, Kid. Go to bed."

"Sir, please. I'd like to help."

Avi looked up at him. "Fine. Make me a coffee while you're up."

Scott grinned again. "Oh, thank you! I will!"

After Scott ran around for a little while, it resulted in two cups of coffee, and two tired Omegas sitting at the table.

At some point, Kirstie got up to lay down on the couch to sleep, Wyatt appearing out of nowhere to sleep with her.

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