Chapter 121

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This will also be before the children ^-^

Pobre Avi


Avi was just eating lunch, when he got the text from Esther congratulating him on the anniversary of becoming a Lead Alpha of his current pack.

Avi dropped his sandwich onto his plate, only to text her back that he'd forgotten.

Esther quickly called him, only to shout. "You forgot?! How could you forget something like that?! I bet Kevin's got a big anniversary dinner for you and stuff!"

"I hope not. How embarrassing."

"Oh shut up. Maybe Kirstie'll get you some flowers, I bet Alpha Scott will get you chocolate or something. Alpha Travis might stop by as well." She squeaked in excitement. "I'm so proud of you!"

Avi thought about that for a second, but as usual didn't let his emotions through. "Yeah. It's not really a big deal."

"Yes it is, you big doof. I'm sure your pack will make you feel better. Have you talked to them?"

"Uh... No. I'm just eating lunch. Kevin said he wanted to talk to me, but... Not yet I guess."

"Not to worry. Oop, I gotta go. Call me when you find out what they got you!"

"Okay. See you later, Es."

Kevin just so happened to walk in the room then, grinning at him. "Hello, Alpha." He noticed the phone in his hands. "Oh shoot, I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?"

"No." Avi set his phone beside his plate. "What'd you need, Kev?"

"Just wanted to ask if it's okay for me to take Todrick out tonight. It's date night, and it's my turn to choose, so... I was just making sure it's okay."

Avi pondered it for a moment, wondering if Kevin would be back later to celebrate with him. Kevin was the last person on the planet to forget a special date. "Yeah, sure. I don't care. You'll come home later though?"

"Probably around eleven or midnight? If that's okay?"

Okay, so... Maybe not. "Yeah, sure."

"Thank you so much." Kevin responded quickly, before running off to find Todrick.

Scott came rushing down the stairs, saying a quick hello to Kevin as he passed. He held up a hand to Avi to speak, but then changed his mind and rushed back toward the staircase to speak loudly. "You want strawberry or grape, babe?"

"Strawberry please!" Mitch called back.

Scott smiled, and then walked into the kitchen to make Mitch's sandwich. "Hi, Avi! How are you?"

Avi continued eating his sandwich. "I'm fine. What about you, Kid?"

"Oh, I'm great! Mitchie, Kirstie and I are going to see a movie later, and I'm so excited. Mitch says it's super funny, and--"

"You're going out tonight?"

Scott turned a little, two pieces of gluten free bread in his hands. "Uh... Yeah. Unless that's not okay? Are we busy tonight? I'm sorry, Mitch and Kirstie just seemed so excited, I didn't wanna tell them no. I didn't think to ask, that was so dumb of me."

"No, no, you guys have fun. I was just asking for clarification. Text me when you get there? And... When you leave?"

"Of course. No problem. Is there anything I can get you while we're out?"

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